/* This script check setting of ICM */ select 'PCP' "name", value from apps.fnd_env_context where variable_name = 'APPLDCP' and concurrent_process_id = (select max(concurrent_process_id) from apps.fnd_concurrent_processes where concurrent_queue_id = 1) UNION ALL select 'RAC' "name", decode(count(*), 0, 'N', 1, 'N', 'Y') "value" from V$thread UNION ALL select 'GSM' "name", NVL(v.profile_option_value, 'N') "value" from apps.fnd_profile_options p, apps.fnd_profile_option_values v where p.profile_option_name = 'CONC_GSM_ENABLED' and p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id UNION ALL select name, value from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_params where queue_application_id = 0 and concurrent_queue_id = 1;