/* This script returns information on Database Session information for */ /* concurrent program. */ select s.inst_id, fcr.request_id, fv.requestor, fv.Program cmgr_job, p.PID, p.SERIAL#, p.USERNAME p_user, p.SPID, to_char(s.logon_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') Logon_Time, s.program, s.command, s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.process, s.machine, s.action, s.module from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, apps.FND_CONC_REQ_SUMMARY_V fv, gv$session s, gv$process p where fcr.request_id = &request_id and p.SPID = fcr.oracle_process_id and s.process = fcr.OS_PROCESS_ID and s.inst_id = p.inst_id and p.addr = s.paddr and fv.request_id = fcr.request_id ;