set lines 200 set pages 200 column PHASE heading 'Phase' format A8 column STATUS heading 'Status' format A8 column PROGRAM heading 'Program Name' format A25 column REQUESTOR heading 'Requestor' format A9 column START_TIME heading 'Start Time' format A15 column RUN_TIME justify left heading 'Runtime(m)' format 9999.99 column OSPID heading 'OSPID' format a5 column SID heading 'DBSID' format 99999 spool crrunning.lst select fcrv.request_id REQUEST, decode(fcrv.phase_code,'P','Pending','R','Running','I','Inactive','Completed')PHASE, decode(fcrv.status_code, 'A','Waiting', 'B','Resuming', 'C','Normal', 'F','Scheduled', 'G','Warning', 'H','On Hold', 'I','Normal', 'M','No Manager', 'Q','Standby', 'R','Normal', 'S','Suspended', 'T','Terminating', 'U','Disabled', 'W','Paused', 'X','Terminated', 'Z','Waiting',fcrv.status_code)STATUS, substr(fcrv.program,1,25)PROGRAM, substr(fcrv.requestor,1,9)REQUESTOR, to_char(fcrv.actual_start_date,'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI')START_TIME, round(((sysdate - fcrv.actual_start_date)*1440),2)RUN_TIME, substr(fcr.oracle_process_id,1,7)OSPID, vs.sid SID --substr(fcr.os_process_id,1,7)OS_PID from apps.fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrv, apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, v$session vs, v$process vp where fcrv.phase_code = 'R' and fcrv.request_id = fcr.request_id and fcr.oracle_process_id = vp.spid and vs.paddr = vp.addr order by PHASE, STATUS, REQUEST desc /