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How to find segment name from file id and block number in Oracle

In Oracle, if you have a file ID (file number) and block number, and you want to find the corresponding segment name (such as a table or index name), you can use the DBA_EXTENTS data dictionary view. This view maps extents (which consist of continuous blocks) to segments.

The below query can be used for that

SELECT segment_name, segment_type
FROM dba_extents
WHERE file_id = < file> AND
<block> BETWEEN block_id and block_id + blocks - 1;


file_id: This is the ID of the file where the block resides.

block_number: This is the block number you are querying about.

segment_name: This is the name of the segment (like a table or index) to which the block belongs.

segment_type: This indicates the type of the segment (e.g., TABLE, INDEX).

owner: This is the schema owner of the segment.


SELECT segment_name, segment_type FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = 101 AND 8758758 BETWEEN block_id and block_id + blocks - 1;

You might want to use this query in conjunction with wait events to find the segment name

SELECT event, p1text,p1 “FILE”, p2text,p2 “BLOCK”, p3text,p3 “ID”
FROM gv$session_wait
WHERE event ='gc current request';
SELECT event, p1text,p1 “FILE”, p2text,p2 “BLOCK”, p3text,p3 “ID”
FROM gv$session_wait WHERE event ='gc buffer busy acquire';
SELECT event, p1 “FILE”, p2 “BLOCK”, p3 “ID”
FROM v$session_wait
WHERE event = 'buffer busy waits';

Once block number and file id is known, we can find the segment using the below query
SELECT segment_name, segment_type
FROM dba_extents
WHERE file_id = <file id> AND
<block number> BETWEEN block_id and block_id + blocks - 1;

Important points

  • Privileges: To run this query, you need access to the DBA_EXTENTS view. Usually, this requires DBA privileges.
  • Performance Consideration: Be cautious when running this query on large databases with many extents, as it might take time and consume resources.
  • This query is particularly useful for database administrators when diagnosing space-related issues or performing deep internal investigations into database storage.
See also  How FNDFS (Oracle Report Review agent) works in EBS environment

I hope you like this short post on finding segment name given the file id and block number in Oracle database

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