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Guest User password in 11i/R12

Here in this post,I am decoding all the facts about Guest User password in 11i/R12

What is Guest User Password

  • Guest user password is very important for the functioning of Application SSWA.
  • Self service login used this password to verify the user password. Self service will not come upif this password is incorrect.Direct form login will still work if the password is incorrect
  • It is a application user not a Database user while APPLSYSPUB is a database  user. So Guest user information is stored in FND_USERS table
  • 11i/R12 never use this for login …this is used to obtain apps info
  • It should be consistent on both the places,otherwise application will not work.
  • FNDCPASS also make use of this password for changing the password.
  • Guest user password cannot be changed through FNDCPASS. Most appropriate way to change it through Autoconfig which is explained below
  • It should never be end dated.
    All the guest user and password manipulation is done through FND_WEB_SEC package stored in apps schema
    ATG RUP 6 introduces new hash password scheme for application password.

It is stored in following places

$FND_TOP/secure/ or $FND_SECURE

R11i  and  R12 release also
GUEST_USER_PWD oracle apps profile option

R12.1 Release and Above
Oracle Vault

Following command could be use to check it correctness

select apps.fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','<password>') FROM DUAL

Following query could be use to obtain the guest user password

R11i and R12 release also
SELECT upper(fnd_profile.value('GUEST_USER_PWD')) FROM dual;
R12.1 Release and Above
select fnd_vault.get('FND', 'GUEST_USER_PWD') from dual;

Following are some of the queries which are very useful

create or replace function test(key in varchar2,value in varchar2)
return varchar2
as language java name 'oracle.apps.fnd.security.WebSessionManagerProc.decrypt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';

Query this to the find apps schema password from the Guest user

UPPER((SELECT upper(fnd_profile.value('GUEST_USER_PWD')) FROM dual))
FROM dual
) AS apps_password
fnd_user a
usertable.user_name LIKE upper(
FROM dual)

How to change the Guest User Password

The only supported way to change the Guest user password is to update the context variable s_guest_pass and run AutoConfig, which runs the AdminAppServer utility internally.

  1. As the “applmgr” Unix user make sure the appropriate environment files are sourced.
  2. Use the AutoConfig editor to change the context value for the guest password Ensure the Guest password is entirely uppercase
    AutoConfig variable name is “s_guest_pass”
  3. Run AutoConfig.
  4. Verify the new guest password as follows:
    select fnd_web_sec.validate_login(‘GUEST’,”) from dual;
    this script should return ‘Y’
  5. Change the guest password used for diagnostics
    a. Login to applications as SYSADMIN user and choose “CRM HTML Administration” responsibility. (If you don’t see this responsibility, it may be end dated for SYSADMIN user.)
    b. Then follow this path and correct the GUEST password.
Settings : System : Properties
Self Service User
Properties > Advanced
Choose JTF from the "View" LOV.
Look for guest_password and correct it
  1. Stop / Start Apache.
See also  adopscanlog log analyzer utility in R12.2

How to change Guest user password from Backend


set serveroutput on
l_result varchar2(30000);
userid number;
l_result := fnd_web_sec.CHANGE_GUEST_PASSWORD('GUEST','<appspassword>');
dbms_output.put_line( 'Result = ' || l_result );
if l_result = 'N'
l_result := fnd_message.get();
dbms_output.put_line( 'Error stack = ' || l_result );
end if;

How to troubleshoot issues with Guest user password

First check the password using the sql

select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','ORACLE') from dual;


If the output is N, we need to check for the error

select fnd_message.get from dual;

If the error is

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Guest user/pwd does not exist or match: GUEST/ORACLE

Please follow the instruction given above to change the Guest user password.
Now run the check again

If the error is ORA-29548 errors, then issue with OJVM, please check what changes have been done and take action accordingly

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