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How to add any node to Oracle RAC cluster in 10g and 11g

Step 1: Prepare the server to be added
a) Shared the Database Storage
b) Shared the OCR and voting disk
c) Check the new box for ssh connectivity
Step 2:
Run cluvfy
cluvfy stage -post hwos -n SUN12OS
Step 3:
Add node to Cluster using the $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/addnode.sh from the node existing in cluster And choose SUN12OS as the new node . It will open Oracle Universal installer.Provide all the input and get the cluster installed in New Node
Step 4:
If ASM is present in cluster configuration,Then Add ASM Home to the new node
Go to the ASM home in the existing node
$ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/addnode.sh from existing server And choose SUN12OS as the new node
And run the steps as required
Step 5 . Add the ASM instance if ASM present in Cluster. it can be done manually using below steps
Copy init.ora from existing node
Change the env file
Start the ASM instance and mount the diskgroup
Step 6   Add the Oracle RDBMS software to the New node
Go to the Database  home in the existing node
from existing node And choose SUN12OS as the new node
      And run the steps as required
Step 7 : Add RDBMS instance and Listener
This can be done using dbca and netca or this can be done manually also using below steps
1) Copy init.ora from existing node and modify according to new instance
2) Add redo thread andUndo tablespace for New instance
3)  Enable the thread and startup the instance on new node
See also  How the sql query is executed in Oracle

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