R12.2 upgrade is a big upgrade with lot of technology changes.To save some time during the upgrade process and reduce the downtime, Oracle process few update as part post-upgrade concurrent programs. This article gives description about Isolating post-upgrade concurrent programs R12.2
1)The downtime portion of the upgrade involves the automatic submission of 95 distinct concurrent programs.
2) These programs will run in multiple threads, so the total number of concurrent requests that form part of the post-upgrade step is much higher.
3) These programs will be picked up and executed by the concurrent manager once the system is up, and as such their execution will be mixed with the execution of ongoing concurrent jobs in the system.
4) We can define a separate concurrent manager queue to Isolating post-upgrade concurrent programs. This can be achieved by using inclusion and exclusion rules to prevent other manager queues (such as the standard manager) from picking up these requests, and cause this new manager queue to process only these requests. Doing this allows you to control the number of target processes allocated to these post-upgrade concurrent programs, with the use of work shifts.
5) After the upgrade is complete and before starting the concurrent Manager you need to perform the following steps to create new program type and managers to run the post-upgrade requests.
To create a new program type, and include a program in that program type:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN, and navigate to System Administrator > Concurrent : Program > Type
Name: R12.2UPG Application: System Administration Description: Program Type for Post Upgrade Request 2. Include programs from the above list into this new program type. 3. Navigate to System Administrator >Concurrent: Program >Define 4. Search for Program “Drop obsolete products schema ” and Type (choose): R12.2UPG 5. Do the same for other programs in the list.
To exclude a program type from the Standard Manager:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN and navigate to System Administrator > Concurrent : Manager> Define 2. Search for Standard Manager. 3. Click on Specialization Rules. 4. Go at the bottom of the list to add a new record. 5. Include/Exclude (choose): Exclude
Type(choose): Request Type Application(choose): System Administration . Name(choose): R12.2UPG This need to be done on standard manager only
To create a new concurrent manager and include a program type:
1. Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as SYSADMIN and navigate to System Administrator > Concurrent: Manager > Define Check the Enabled box. 2. Enter the following to create the new concurrent manager:
Manager: R12_Post_Upgrade_mgr Short Name: R12PU Application(choose): Application Object Library Description: New manager queue for R12 post upgrade requests Type(choose): Concurrent Manager Cache Size: 1 Program Library Name(choose): FNDLIBR Specialization Rules: Include/Exclude(choose): Include Type(choose): Request Type Application(choose): System Administration Name(choose): R12.2UPG Work Shifts: Work Shift (choose): Standard Processes: Enter a Value Sleep Second: 30
After completing the above steps, Activate Concurrent Manager
Note that after all these post-upgrade requests run, you should revert the exclusion/inclusion of managers and programs to the original state, removing the new program type and new manager. This is necessary as some of the programs in the list may need to run in the future, as part of the regular system batch processing requirements rather than part of the upgrade.
The list of Programs which are submitted with R12.2 Upgrade are
Application Name | Concurrent
Program Name |
Total request |
ADMIN | ADDRPOBS | Drop obsolete products schema | 74 |
Application Object Library (FND) | AFFURGO2 | Sync responsibility role data into the WF table. | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | AFLOBBLD | Rebuild Help Search Index | 3 |
Receivables (AR) | ARGLTP | General Ledger Transfer Program | 1 |
Receivables (AR) | ARHDQCMAL | DQM Compile All Rules | 1 |
Receivables (AR) | ARHDQM | DQM Staging Program | 1 |
Oracle Order Capture (ASO) | ASOPAUPD | Update Parallel Approvals Data | 3 |
Application Implementation (AZ) | AZR12UPGRADE | iSetup R12 Upgrade Selection Sets Column | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | B21053695 | Bug21053695 | 3 |
Incentive Compensation (CN) | CN_FORMULA_GEN | Generate Formula Packages | 1 |
Incentive Compensation (CN) | CN_R1212_CNSRPTXN | CN_R1212_CNSRPTXN | 18 |
Oracle Service (CS) | CS_KB_SYNC_SOLUTIONS_INDEX | Knowledge Management Solution Index Synchronization | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | DIAGPATCHINGCP | Diagnostics patching CP | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FDFCHY | Compile value set hierarchies | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FDFCHY | General Ledger Transfer Program | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FDFCMPN | Compile Non-Compiled Flexfields | 1 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FDFVGN | Flexfield View Generator | 599 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FNDIRLOAD | FNDIRLOAD | 18 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FNDIRLPP | iRep Loading Post Processor | 6 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FNDLOAD | Generic Loader | 5 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FNDSCMPI | Compile Security | 2 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FNDWFDSRHP | Workflow Role Hierarchy Propagation | 68 |
Application Object Library (FND) | FNDWFDSURV | Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation | 1 |
Oracle General Ledger (SQLGL) | GLSTFL | General Ledger Accounting Setup Program | 167 |
Receivables (AR) | HZ_THIRD_PARTY_UPDATE | Third Party Data Integration Update | 1 |
Asia/Pacific Localizations (JA) | JAINDFOBS | India – Remove India Localization contexts from DFFs | 1 |
Advanced Supply Chain Planning (MSC) | MSCHUBM | Maintain APCC Data Model | 3 |
Advanced Supply Chain Planning (MSC) | MSCQFM | Migrate Personal Queries to SP Work Area | 3 |
Advanced Supply Chain Planning (MSC) | MSCREFMV | Refresh Materialized Views | 1 |
Trade Management (OZF) | OZFMIGUTLREC | Migrate Accruals for Multi Currency Changes | 1 |
Oracle Retail Point-of-Service (POS) | POSUPFCONFPRG | POS Insert Onboard Configuration Details | 3 |