Oracle Mobile Warehousing Application( Oracle MWA) is a important components of Oracle E-buisness Suite and it is used in warehouse to scan items.In this section , i am sharing the information for MWA
Oracle MWA/MSCA Services Configuration file for 11i
Configuration file is used to set server related properties. Setup mwa.cfg file as follows:
1. Locate file in $MWA_TOP/secure
2. Copy mwa_template.cfg to mwa.cfg
3. Edit mwa.cfg and configure following parameters:
a. Set mwa.DbcFolder=full directory of .dbc file ending with /
b. Set mwa.DbcFile=dbc file name
c. Set mwa.logdir=full directory of log file
d. Set mwa.TelnetPortNumber=default port#
e. Set mwa.DropConnectionTimeout= no. of minutes
f. Set mwa.StaleSessionTimeout=
no. of minutes
g. Set mwa.LogLevel=error or trace
With oracle autoconfig implementation,this file is generated by autoconfig now
Starting/Shutdown the MWA Server
To start the MWA telnet server:
1. Source the APPLSYS.env
2. cd $MWA_TOP/bin
3. start [port number]
To shutdown the MWA telnet server
1. cd $MWA_TOP/bin 2. –login <user>/<password> stop port where user is application user id with system administrator responsibility and password is the application user password
Oracle MWA/MSCA Services Configuration file for R12
With autoconfig implementation,this file is generated by autoconfig now.
The location of the file is
Starting/Shutdown the MWA Server
To start the MWA telnet server:
1. Source the env
3. start [port number]
To shutdown the MWA telnet server
2. –login <user>/<pass> stop port#
where user is application user id with system administrator responsibility and pass is the application user password
Configuring Oracle MWA Dispatcher
Setup Dispatcher parameters in mwa.cfg
1. Specify the port number and machine for running the dispatcher
Note: the dispatcher uses 3 consecutive ports for internal control
2. Specify the dispatcher worker thread count. No. connections per MWA server.
3. Specify the dispatcher clients per worker. No. of MWA servers per Dispatcher
Starting/Shutdown the MWA servers and Dispatcher
To startup:
nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ start 6310 & nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ start 6320 & nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ start 6330 & nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ start_dispatcher &
Mobile users connect to the Dispatcher port 6300. Dispatcher will distribute mobile users among the three MWA servers.
Mobile users can hit control-X to view the MWA server port#, host name and other connection information
To shutdown:
nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ –login <user>/<pass> stop 6310 & nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ –login <user>/<pass> stop 6320 & nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ –login <user>/<pass> stop 6330 & nohup $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ stop_dispatcher &
How to check if the MWA port running
We can check the MWA server by using telnet
telnet hostname mwaport
How to check for MWA processes
ps -ef | grep mwa | wc -l
netstat -alnp | grep Note: Replace with the port you wish to check.
lsof -i : Note: Replace with the port you wish to check.
ps -ef|grep MWADIS Note: This is for checking the MWA Dispatcher exe. process.
ps -efx|grep |grep mwa Note: Replace with applmgr User.
ps -ef|grep |grep MWA |wc -l Note: Replace with applmgr User.
How to check the MWA database connection
To view MWAJDBC Connections:
select program, module from v$session where module = 'MWAJDBC';
To view Inactive MWAJDBC Connections:
select program, module from v$session where status='INACTIVE' and module='MWAJDBC';
You can terminate all inactive jdbc sessions from MSCA/MWA Apps Servers using following sql:
select distinct 'alter system kill session '||''''||sid||','||serial#||''''||' ;' from v$session where process is NULL and program like '%JDBC%' and module = 'MWAJDBC' and status = 'INACTIVE' and last_call_et > 3600*12 and machine like 'host%';
Note: Change the to your correct ‘host%’ value