We often want to run pre-defined jobs at different schedules. Oracle database provides dba_jobs/dbms_scheduler (Oracle Database job scheduler) for scheduling pre-defined jobs.
Information about DBA_JOBS ( Till 9i)
Query to see the jobs running through dba_jobs
select /*+ rule */ * from dba_jobs_running;
select /*+ ordered */ * from dba_jobs_running;
Common Reason why jobs don’t execute automatically and as scheduled
(1) select instance_name,logins from v$instance;
If the logins=RESTRICTED, then:
alter system disable restricted session;
show parameter JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES
It should be greater than 0
(3)Is the job BROKEN?
select job, broken from dba_jobs where job=&1; How to set to Broken to N exec dbms_job.broken(job_no,FALSE); How to set to Broken to Y exec dbms_job.broken(job_no,TRUE);
If broken, then check the alert log and trace files to diagnose the issue
Check if _system_enabled_trigger=false
col parameter format a25
col value format a15
select a.ksppinm parameter,b.ksppstvl value from x$ksppi a,x$ksppcv b
Where a.indx=b.indx and ksppinm=’_system_trig_enabled’;
Information about DBA_SCHEDULER(With 10g and above)
With Oracle 10g,dbms_job has been replaced with dbms_scheduler. The Scheduler offers far more functionality than the DBMS_JOB package, which was the previous Oracle Database job scheduler. Oracle recommends changing all the jobs from DBA_JOBS to DBA_SCHEDULER from 10g onwards
— Old using dbms_job scheduler.
New with dbms_scheduler scheduler.
BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB( job_name => 'job1', job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK', job_action => 'INSERT INTO empl VALUES (111, ''TECH'',''CAT'', ''[email protected]'', NULL, SYSDATE, ''AD_PRES'', NULL,NULL, NULL, NULL); start_date => SYSDATE, repeat_interval => 'FREQ = DAILY; INTERVAL = 1'); END; /
We can find job information by running the below queries
select job_name, enabled from user_scheduler_jobs; select job_id, freq_type, freq_interval, freq_subday_type, freq_subday_interval, freq_relative_interval, freq_recurrence_factor, active_start_date, active_end_date, active_start_time, active_end_time, schedule_id from dba_scheduler_jobs; SELECT owner, job_name, enabled FROM dba_scheduler_jobs;
The job created above can be dropped using the below command
BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.drop_job (job_name => 'job1'); END; /
The job can be enabled and disabled using the below command
execute dbms_scheduler.disable(job_name => 'job1'); execute dbms_scheduler.enable(job_name => 'job1');
The above is a straightforward use of DBMS_SCHEDULER. DBMS_SCHEDULER has a lot of other features also like creating a program, and creating a schedule which then can be used to create Jobs for scheduling
DBMS_JOB Jobs Converted to DBMS_SCHEDULER Jobs in Oracle Database 19c
- Starting with Oracle 19c, Any jobs created using the DBMS_JOB package are implemented as DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs. The internal procedures have been changed. Your calls will work the same way, but DBMS_JOB is now a legacy interface to the DBMS_SCHEDULER.
- During upgrades to 19c, any jobs defined using DBMS_JOB also get converted to DBMS_SCHEDULER jobs
- Oracle has created a new dictionary table scheduler$_dbmsjob_map for mapping purposes
- Before Oracle 19c, DBMS_JOB functioned separately from DBMS_SCHEDULER, allowing users to utilize either tool for their needs. Starting with Oracle 19c, however, DBMS_JOB has been integrated with DBMS_SCHEDULER, effectively making DBMS_JOB a subset or interface for DBMS_SCHEDULER. This integration means that when creating a job via DBMS_JOB in Oracle 19c and beyond, it is, in reality, being created through DBMS_SCHEDULER. Consequently, the use of DBMS_JOB now requires the CREATE JOB permission, reflecting its reliance on DBMS_SCHEDULER for job execution.