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PLSQL Constants

In this post we will discuss about PLSQL Constants in Oracle, How do you declare a constant variable in PL SQL, how to Declare a constant in Oracle stored procedure

Oracle PLSQL Constant

  • Oracle PLSQL constant is just like any other procedural language and Its value does not change during the execution of the program
  • Constants must be declared for use in procedural and SQL code, although the datatypes available in SQL are only a subset of those available in PL/SQL.

How do you declare a constant variable in PL SQL

  • All constants must be declared before they are referenced.
  • Declaration involves the name of the constant followed by its data type.
  • Remember that each constant must be declared on a separate line and multiple constants cannot be defined in the same statement.
  • All statements must end with a semicolon
  • The declarations of constant definitions must contain the CONSTANT keyword and must be assigned a value as part of the definition. Subsequent attempts to assign a value to a constant will result in an error

General Syntax

variable_name CONSTANT datatype [NOT NULL := value ];

(1) variable_name is the name of the variable.

(2) datatype is a valid PL/SQL datatype.

PLSQL Constants

Example of declaring Constants:

v_global constant number := 200; 
  • Constants cannot be changed.
  • You must initialize constants at the time of declaration.

Example as full Plsql Block

c_limit CONSTANT REAL := 1000.00; -- SQL data type
max_days_in_year CONSTANT INTEGER := 266; -- SQL data type
u_legend CONSTANT BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- PL/SQL-only data type

Let’s try to assign some value to the constant variable

c_limit CONSTANT REAL := 1000.00; -- SQL data type
max_days_in_year CONSTANT INTEGER := 266; -- SQL data type
u_legend CONSTANT BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- PL/SQL-only data type
c_limit :=1;
PLS-00363: expression 'c_limit' cannot be used as an assignment target

So it has received an error if we assign any value to the constant in the begin block

See also  ORA-27154 / ORA-27146

PLSQL Constants are an important construct and are quite used in PLSQL Programming. I hope you this post on PLSQL Constants in Oracle, How do you declare a constant variable in PL SQL, how to Declare a constant in Oracle stored procedure

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