Here are detailed working on useful PHP string functions
The PHP strlen() function returns the length of a string.
The example below returns the length of the string “john”
<?php echo strlen("John"); ?> Output 4
Converts an ASCII value to its equivalent character
The ASCII value 46 is the & symbol
<?php $str = chr(046); echo("the value are 1 $str 2"); ?> Output the value are 1 & 2
It reverses the string
<?php echo strrev("John"); ?> Output nohj
The substr() function returns a part of a string
start: where to start in the string
Length: length of the returned string. Default is to the end of the string
This is optional. If you miss it out, you’ll grab all the characters to the end of the string.
<?php substr("John",1,3); ?> Output Joh
The str_word_count () function tells you how many words a string has.
<?php str_word_count("how are you"); ?> Output 3
The str_replace() function in PHP allows you to replace one string with another.
str_replace( $look_for, $change_to, $search_text );
<?php str_replace("John","Matt", "John is absent"); ?> Output Matt is absent
- The PHP strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string.
- If the function can find a search match, then it will return the position of the first match. However, if it can’t find a match it will return false
strpos ('string', 'match_pattern', [offset])
The optional offset parameter tells the function to start looking for the match after the offset-th character in the string. The value returned by the function still indicates the position of the first match relative to the entire string.
<?php strpos("today is monday","mon" ); ?> Output 8
In this example, the match occurs at the 9 place string, hence the function returns 8 as numbering starts from 0
Hope you like post on PHP string functions
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