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Top Questions about JAVA/JRE in Oracle Apps

 1) What is the JDK and the JRE?

JDK(SDK): Java (Standard) Developer Kit. JRE: Java Runtime Environment
This is the full suite of Java products necessary for development in Java. 


Designates the set of tool necessary for developing in Java. It includes its own JRE, development libraries, JAVA compiler (javac)…

It is a scaled down version of JDK

Designates the Java Virtual Machines and set of tools such as standard libraries to execute a Java application on the platform.

It will translate Java code (or byte code) into the OS specific language.

java/jre in Oracle apps

2) What are Java classes?

Java classes are blocks of code that have been compiled. Uncompiled Java code generally has an extension of .java. When a block of Java code is compiled, the Java compiler gives itan extension of .class.

To compile the java, javac command is used

3) What are the Java libraries?

The Java libraries are Java classes, or archived bundles of Java classes, that the Java or JRE executable must be able  to find and use at runtime.  Using the JRE, the core set of  Java classes necessary are contained in the rt.jar file.  Using the JDK, the core set of Java classes necessary are contained in the classes.zip file.

4) What are the JDBC drivers?

JDBC drivers enable Java database connectivity with transfer of data.  The drivers come in two varieties: JDBC/OCI and JDBC Thin. JDBC Thin drivers are 100% Java and are designed for use
with Java applets.  They require no client software for database  connectivity.  Rel 11 Applications uses JDBC/OCI (Oracle Call Interface) drivers for the Web Server’s connection to the database.   JDBC/OCI drivers are partially Java and and partially C code, thus it is platform specific. The JDBC/OCI drivers provided for Rel 11 Applications are specific to the version of  database and the naming convention is:

5) What are the JDBC libraries?

The JDBC libraries are Java Database Connectivity libraries. They are supplied as archived bundles of class files, classesxyz.zip, that the jre or java executable must have access to at runtime. The classesxyz.zip file is specific to the version of Java you are using.  For example, the classes111.zip file is necessary when using Java version 1.1.x and the classes102.zip is necessary when using Java  version 1.0.x.  The classesxxx.zip files supplied for Apps also will reference a specific JDBC driver and this JDBC drivermust be located within one the paths (conventionally
$ORACLE_HOME/lib) defined in the shared library path

6)What is the OA_JDK_TOP variable used for?

For Oracle Applications, the OA_JDK_TOP environment variable is defined to point to the location where the JDK or JRE has been installed on the machine.  This variable is defined for convenience so that the path need not be hard-coded when defining other Java environment variables (such as PATH, CLASSPATH, and, if applicable, the shared libarary path).

7)What is the JAVA_TOP variable used for?

For Oracle Applications, a JAVA_TOP environment variable is defined for the directory where the Applications specific Java classes are contained.

8)What is the CLASSPATH variable used for?

The CLASSPATH variable lists the directories and archive files to be scanned for Java class file

9) What are the JDK installs used by EBS?

For R12.0.X/ R12.1.X

(10.1.3) IAS_ORACLE_HOME/jdk 1) Comes with its own JRE in IAS_ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre

Shipped with Oracle Applications Server (10.1.3.x)

2) Used by AD utilities to maintain the instance (adadmin, adpatch…)

3) Used also for all oc4j instances:

– Oacore: to run all the “self-service / Framework” applications, including login

– Forms: to run forms

– Oafm: to run some especial products and integrations      –    Forms-c4ws: to run SOA integration

(10.1.2) ORACLE_HOME/jdk 1) Comes with its own JRE in ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre

Shipped with Oracle Applications Server (10.1.2.x)

2) Releases 12.0 and 12.1 use the Reports runtime from Oracle Applications Server, which installs JDK 1.4.2_08 (32-Bit) in its own Oracle Home.

(10g/11g) RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre Used by Autoconfig and for compiling EBS code on DB Tier

For R12.2

Operating System Application Tier Node 32-bit and 64-bit Java 6 Installation Locations Targeted Java 7 Installation Location
Oracle Solaris on SPARC Application middle tier node [FMW_HOME]/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk
CP tier node [FMW_HOME]/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk *
AD/AutoConfig [FMW_HOME]/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk
Cloning Tools [FMW_HOME]/Oracle_EBS-app1/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk (by symbolic link)
Linux x86-64 Application middle tier node [FMW_HOME]/jrockit64 [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk64
CP tier node [FMW_HOME]/jrockit32 [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk32 *
AD/AutoConfig [FMW_HOME]/jrockit32 [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk32
Cloning Tools [FMW_HOME]/Oracle_EBS-app1/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk64 (by symbolic link)
Windows x64 Application middle tier node n/a [COMMON_TOP]\util\jdk64
CP tier node n/a [COMMON_TOP]\util\jdk32 *
AD/AutoConfig n/a [COMMON_TOP]\util\jdk32
Cloning Tools n/a [COMMON_TOP]\util\jdk64
HP-UX Itanium Application middle tier node [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk
CP tier node [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk *
AD/AutoConfig [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk
Cloning Tools [FMW_HOME]/Oracle_EBS-app1/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk (by symbolic link)
IBM AIX on Power Systems Application middle tier node [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk64 [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk64
CP tier node [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk32 [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk32 *
AD/AutoConfig [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk32 [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk32
Cloning Tools [FMW_HOME]/Oracle_EBS-app1/jdk [COMMON_TOP]/util/jdk64 (by symbolic link)

10) Where can we download the JDk  for EBS?


All Java SE Downloads on MOS (Doc ID 1439822.1)

11) What  are the java certified to use with EBS?


Java SE Development Kit (JDK) versions certified for use on the application tier.
Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) versions certified for use on the client tier.

12) What are the Java Certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1


Currently, the following Java versions are certified for use with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1:

Certified Java Version Application Hardware Platform Application Tier Application Admin/AD Utilities Tier Node Application Forms and Reports Runtime Node Client Tier (Browsers)
Java 5.0 All JDK 5.0 JDK 5.0 Not certified (see the Notes #2 below) JRE 5
Java 6.0 All JDK 6.0 JDK 6.0 JDK 6.0 JRE 6, 7, and 8
Java 7.0 All JDK 7.0 JDK 7.0 JDK 7.0 JRE 6, 7, and 8


  1. JRE releases 6, 7, and 8 on the client tier are all compatible with any certified JDK 6 or JDK 7 release running on the application tier.
  2. About Application Forms and Reports Runtime

Oracle EBS Releases 12.0 and 12.1 use the Forms and Reports runtime from Oracle Applications Server, which installs JDK 1.4.2_08 (32-Bit) in its own Oracle Home. It’s not supported to upgrade the JDK 1.4.2 in the Applications Server 10.1.2 Oracle Home to use with JDK 5.0. But it is now certified for the use with JDK 6.0 or 7.0.

Please choose one of the following My Oracle Support documents for the appropriate JDK or JRE upgrade:

  • Using JDK 7.0 Latest Update with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1 Document 1467892.1
  • Using Latest Update of Java 6.0 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Document 455492.1
  • Using Latest Update of JDK 5.0 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Document 384249.1

Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Document 393931.1

13) What are the Java Certified with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.0 and 12.1


Currently, the following Java versions are certified for use with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2:

Certified Java Version Application Hardware Platform Application Tier Application Admin/AD Utilities Tier Node Application Forms and Reports Runtime Node Client Tier (Browsers)
Java 6.0 All JDK 6.0 or JRockit 1.6 JDK 6.0 JDK 6.0 JRE 6, 7, and 8
Java 7.0 All JDK 7.0 JDK 7.0 JDK 7.0 JRE 6, 7, and 8


  1. JRE releases 6, 7, and 8 on the client tier are all compatible with any certified JDK 6 or JDK 7 release running on the application tier.
  2. For the Oracle E-Business Suite running on the 64-bit hardware architectures, the 64-bit Java is used for the Application middle tier node and for Oracle Application Cloning Tools. For the CP tier node, Forms/Reports, and AD/AutoConfig, the 32-bit Java is still used

Please choose one of the following My Oracle Support documents for the appropriate JDK or JRE upgrade:

Deploying JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Document 393931.1

14) How JDk64 is installed on Solaris OS?


For Solaris, installing the JDK on a 64-bit system that allows a 32-bit JVM is a two-step process: first to install the 32-bit JDK and then to install the additional support for 64-bit operations. The file names are as follows: On SPARC processors: jdk-7u-solaris-sparc.tar.gz (32-bit) jdk-7u-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz (64-bit). The supplemental files for 64-bit support are installed in directories named for the machine architecture model, which are added at several locations within the same jdk1.7.0_ directory where the 32-bit JDK was installed. For example, on SPARC processors the 64-bit Java VM Library file (libjvm.so) is stored in the jdk1.7.0_/lib/sparcv9/server directory, whereas the version for x64/EM64T is stored in the jdk1.7.0_/lib/x64/server directory

15) How  is Java installs on the Client Desktop?


JRE Java plugin for internet browser Used by the browser to launch forms
The plugin can be found in the server under $COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/util/jinitiator and gets downloaded to the client PC when the user starts a form, if it is not installed yet.

Installed/Upgraded following:
Deploying Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) for Windows Clients in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 393931.1)
Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 389422.1

16) how to find the java version in R12.0/R12.1


sh -c “awk -F= '$1 ~ /^JSERVJAVA.*$/ {print $2}' $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/java.sh -version;”

17) What is Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)?

Java EE is a platform-independent, Java-centric environment for developing, building and deploying Web-based enterprise applications online. Java EE includes many components of the Java Standard Edition (Java SE).The Java EE platform consists of a set of services, APIs, and protocols that provide the functionality for developing multitiered, Web-based applications.

Java EE simplifies application development and decreases the need for programming and programmer training by creating standardized, reusable modular components and by enabling the tier to handle many aspects of programming automatically.

Hope you like this wonderful information on Java/JRE in EBS

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