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How to check Gather stats on a table in Oracle

Many times, we might want to check if gather stats ran on the table and when it ran last time. We can find this query dba_tables or user_tables view. let’s see a few queries related to this

How to check gather stats on a table/how to check last gather stats on table in Oracle

The following query can be run to find the detail of stats on a table

col num_rows format 999999990 heading 'ROWS'
col avg_row_len format 9990 heading 'AVG|ROW|SIZE'
col blocks format 9999990 heading 'USED|BLOCKS'
col empty_blocks format 999990 heading 'EMPTY|BLOCKS'
col avg_space format 9990 heading 'AVG|FREE|SPACE'
select owner, table_name, num_rows, avg_row_len,
blocks, empty_blocks, avg_space,last_analyzed
from dba_tables
where owner='&table_owner' and table_name ='&table_name'

Here num_rows is the number of rows in the table
avg_row_len is the average row length in bytes
blocks is the number of blocks allocated to the table below the high watermark
empty_blocks is the number of empty blocks which never have any rows
last_analyzed is the date when the last gather stats ran on the table

If you want the last_analyzed details to the hour and minute, then we can use the below query to set the NLS

alter session set nls_date_format = 'mm-dd-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';

We can use dba_tab_statistics view to query the table stats

col num_rows format 999999990 heading 'ROWS' 
col avg_row_len format 9990 heading 'AVG|ROW|SIZE' 
col blocks format 9999990 heading 'USED|BLOCKS' 
col empty_blocks format 999990 heading 'EMPTY|BLOCKS' 
col avg_space format 9990 heading 'AVG|FREE|SPACE' 
select owner, table_name, num_rows, avg_row_len, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_space,last_analyzed
from dba_tab_statistics
where owner='&table_owner' and table_name ='&table_name';

How to check for gather stats on all the tables in a query

You can use the below query

set line 1000
set verify off
col owner format a15
col object_name format a25
col object_type format a12
col "LAST ANALYZED" format a13
select do.OWNER,do.OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_TYPE, decode (OBJECT_TYPE,'TABLE' , (Select LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables where owner=do.owner and TABLE_NAME=do.object_name) , 'INDEX' , (Select LAST_ANALYZED from dba_indexes where owner=do.owner and INDEX_NAME=do.object_name) , 'UNKNOWN') "LAST ANALYZED",STATUS from DBA_OBJECTS do where OBJECT_TYPE in ('TABLE','INDEX') and (OWNER,OBJECT_NAME) in (select OBJECT_OWNER,OBJECT_NAME from V$SQL_PLAN where HASH_VALUE=&1) ;

Query to check the gather stats for the whole schema

col num_rows format 999999990 heading 'ROWS' 
col avg_row_len format 9990 heading 'AVG|ROW|SIZE' 
col blocks format 9999990 heading 'USED|BLOCKS' 
col empty_blocks format 999990 heading 'EMPTY|BLOCKS' 
col avg_space format 9990 heading 'AVG|FREE|SPACE' 
select owner, table_name, num_rows, avg_row_len, blocks, empty_blocks, avg_space,last_analyzed from dba_tables where owner='&schema_name' ;

I have given the dba_tables example here but we can use any of these views

See also  How to use Oracle PLSQL Tables (Associative array or index-by table)

we can now view CDB_TABLES starting with 12c with the container database. In the root of a multitenant container database (CDB), CDB_* views can be used to obtain information about tables

I hope you like this article on gathering stats and how to check last gather stats on the table in Oracle. Please do provide the feedback

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