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How to drop the sql baseline in Oracle

You can drop a SQL Plan Baseline in Oracle using the DBMS_SPM.DROP_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE function.

   sql_handle     IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   plan_name      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL)
drop the sql baseline in Oracle


To drop all the plans of the sql statement

l_result INTEGER; 
l_result := DBMS_SPM.drop_sql_plan_baseline(sql_handle => '&SQL_HANDLE'); 

To drop a particular plan of the sql statement

l_result INTEGER;
l_result := DBMS_SPM.drop_sql_plan_baseline(sql_handle => '&SQL_HANDLE', plan_name => '&PLAN_NAME');

How to use it

Identify the SQL Plan Baseline:

First, you need to find the SQL_HANDLE and PLAN_NAME of the SQL Plan Baseline you want to drop. This can be done by querying the DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES view:

SELECT sql_handle, plan_name
FROM dba_sql_plan_baselines

Drop the SQL Plan Baseline:

If you want to drop for a particular plan

l_result INTEGER;
l_result := DBMS_SPM.drop_sql_plan_baseline(sql_handle => '&SQL_HANDLE', plan_name => '&PLAN_NAME');

As always, be careful when dropping SQL Plan Baselines, as it can potentially affect the performance of the corresponding SQL statements. Always monitor the performance and test the changes in a non-production environment before applying them to production.

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