We might have encountered a problem, where the Application TNS_ADMIN files like tnsnames. ora, listener. ora and sqlnet. ora is incomplete or corrupted. The solution for this issue is either we run autoconfig on the application or we can generate the tns_admin file using one command also. Let’s see How to generate TNS_ADMIN files in R12
How to generate TNS_ADMIN files in R12
- First, take the backup of all the files in TNS_ADMIN
- Login to the Application node as applmgr and then run the below command to generate the files
perl $AD_TOP/bin/adgentns.pl contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE appspass=<pass>
- This command can be run in 11i.R12.0.R12.1 and R12.2 also. It requires an apps password.
- In the case of a multinode environment, you need to run on each node to generate the files on that respective node
- This does not require any downtime
- we can bounce the respective thing later on depending on the issue. But it is advisable to bounce the apps listener
cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME adalnctl.sh stop adalnctl.sh start
I hope this will help in your troubleshooting