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Important Oracle Database Health check

Here are the Important Oracle Database Health check

Database, Datafile and Backup

select name,open_mode,log_mode,database_role,force_logging,flashback_on from v$database;
select * from v$recover_file;
select distinct status,count() from v$datafile group by status;
select name, RECOVER from v$datafile_header where RECOVER != 'NO';
select name, ERROR from v$datafile_header where ERROR is NOT NULL;
select name, ts# from v$datafile where upper(name) like '%MISSING%';
select NAME, FILE# from v$datafile where status='RECOVER';
select status,count(
) from v$backup group by status;

DBA Registry

set lines 150 pages 500
column COMP_NAME format a45
column version format a15
column status format a12
select comp_name,version,status from dba_registry;

DBA Registry History

set lines 150 pages 500
column action format a15
column namespace format a15
column comments format a20 wrap
column ACTION_TIME format a30
col BUNDLE_SERIES format a12
column version format a15
select * from dba_registry_history;

Invalid Object check

col object_name format a50
col owner format a10
set lines 300
set pages 1000
select object_name,
from dba_objects
where status = 'INVALID'

Queries to check Locks

SELECT DECODE(request,0,'Holder: ','Waiter: ')||sid sess,
id1, id2, lmode, request, type
WHERE (id1, id2, type) IN
(SELECT id1, id2, type FROM V$LOCK WHERE request>0)
ORDER BY id1, request;

Check Library cache locks

select /*+ all_rows */ w1.sid waiting_session,
h1.sid holding_session,
w.kgllktype lock_or_pin,
w.kgllkhdl address,
decode(h.kgllkmod, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive',
'Unknown') mode_held,
decode(w.kgllkreq, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive',
'Unknown') mode_requested
from dba_kgllock w, dba_kgllock h, v$session w1, v$session h1
(((h.kgllkmod != 0) and (h.kgllkmod != 1)
and ((h.kgllkreq = 0) or (h.kgllkreq = 1)))
(((w.kgllkmod = 0) or (w.kgllkmod= 1))
and ((w.kgllkreq != 0) and (w.kgllkreq != 1))))
and w.kgllktype = h.kgllktype
and w.kgllkhdl = h.kgllkhdl
and w.kgllkuse = w1.saddr
and h.kgllkuse = h1.saddr

hcheck.sql – Script to Check for Known Problems in Oracle8i, Oracle9i, Oracle10g, Oracle 11g and Oracle 12c and Above

  • To provide a single package which looks for common Data Dictionary problems.
  • The script checks consistency of selected dictionary relationships and looks for certain known issues – some reported “problems” will be normal and expected.
  • The script can be used with Oracle Release 9i onwards. hcheck8i.sql includes 8.1.
  • It is a lightweight “read-only” script with no impact.
  • The script is for use mainly under the guidance of Oracle Support.
$ sqlplus
Enter username: / as sysdba
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Productio
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> spool hcheck.log
SQL> @hcheck
SQL> spool off

For 12c with Multitenant, connect to each PDB to run the script. 

Enter username: / as sysdba
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
SQL> show pdbs
-------- ------------ -------------- -------------
2        PDB$SEED     READ ONLY      NO
3        CDB1_PDB1    READ WRITE     NO
4        CDB1_PDB2    READ WRITE     NO
SQL> alter session set container=CDB1_PDB1;
Session altered.
SQL> spool hcheck.log
SQL> @hcheck
SQL> spool off

Metalink ID (Doc ID 136697.1)

See also  How to check failed login attempts in Oracle

Hope you like this post on Oracle Database Health check and this helps you in daily DBA work

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