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how to find the Oracle database version

Many times questions are being asked about how to find the Oracle database version and version of various Oracle utilities in Linux, Solaris, AIX, and Windows. Let’s check out how is the oracle database version defined and How to find the Oracle database version

Oracle Database Versions

  • Oracle has released various versions of the Oracle database starting in 1979. They released Oracle 8i in 1998 where “i” stands for the internet.
  • They released Oracle 10g in 2003 where “g” stands for grid.
  • Then they released Oracle 12c in 2013 where “c” stands for the cloud.
  • After that, they continued year-wise starting in 2018. So 2018 was 18c Release, 2019 was 19c Release, and so on.
  • The latest version right now is 23c released in 2023. They are terming some versions as innovation releases and some as Long-term releases.
  • Innovation releases have shorter support periods ie. 2 years and long-term releases have 7-8 year support periods. So businesses can choose the release accordingly.
  • Right Now, 19c is the long-term release, and 18c,20c, and 21c are innovation releases. The next long-term release will 23c
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How to check Oracle database version in Linux or any OS/how to check Oracle version in Linux

We can easily check the version using any of these six methods. You need to source the environment and then they can use any of these methods

SQL> select * from v$version;
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

you could use opatch also

$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory


select version from v$instance;
Starting with 18c
select version,VERSION_FULL from v$instance;



Starting with 18c


You can query dba_registry

SELECT version FROM dba_registry WHERE comp_id = 'CATALOG'
Starting with 18c
SELECT version,version_full FROM dba_registry WHERE comp_id = 'CATALOG'



set serveroutput on 
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Oracle version is ' || dbms_db_version.version || '.' || dbms_db_version.release);

How to find Client sqlplus version in use

sqlplus -v
SQL*Plus: Release - Production

How to find the version of expdp

Export: Release - Production on Saturday, 11 October, 2015 0:22:44

How to find the version of the nid utility

DBNEWID: Release - Production on Saturday, 11 October, 2015 0:22:44

How to find the version of exp

Export: Release - Production on Saturday, 11 October, 2015 0:22:44

How to find the version of rman


How to check Oracle version in sql developer

  • In SQL Developer, click the Reports tab on the left, near the Connections navigator. (If this tab is not visible, click View, then Reports.)
  • In the Reports navigator, expand Data Dictionary Reports.
  • Under Data Dictionary Reports, expand About Your Database.
  • Under About Your Database, click Version Banner.
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how to check oracle database version in sql developer

How to check oracle client version in Linux

We can simply do these to find it

sqlplus -v 
SQL*Plus: Release - Production



Some Explanation about Version 

Major Database Release NumberThe first digit is the most general identifier. It represents a major new version of the software that contains significant new functionality.
Database Maintenance Release NumberThe second digit represents a maintenance release level. Some new features may also be included.
Application Server Release NumberThe third digit reflects the release level of the Oracle Application Server (OracleAS).
Component-Specific Release NumberThe fourth digit identifies a release level specific to a component. Different components can have different numbers in this position depending upon, for example, component patch sets or interim releases.
Platform-Specific Release NumberThe fifth digit identifies a platform-specific release. Usually, this is a patch set. When different platforms require the equivalent patch set, this digit will be the same across the affected platforms.

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1 thought on “how to find the Oracle database version”

  1. Thanks for the clear instructions! I was unsure where to check the Oracle database version, but your step-by-step guide made it super easy. I appreciate the screenshots as well—they really helped clarify the process.

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