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How to setup OTA in R12, R12.2 and 11i

OTA(Oracle Transport Agent) for XML gateway is an important feature. we will be discussing here how to enable OTA in R12, R12.1 and R12.2  and 11i.

EBS 11i

In EBS Release 11i instances where OTA was utilized, OTA ran under Jserv having its properties set in the files found in the directory:
11.5.9 – jserv.properties
11.5.10/ – xmlsvcs.properties

EBS R12 and R12.1

  • For R12 (versions 12.0.X or 12.1.X) , OTA is run in the oafm container under OC4J. The system properties are read from the oc4j.properties file of the oafm container located in the file $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/oc4j.properties
  • There is also an autoconfig property <load-on-startup> as reflected in the orion-web.xml file:
  • $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/application-deployments/oafm/webservices/orion-web.xml
  • In the orion-web.xml file the following section will be found:
<!-- OXTA Servlet -->



The AutoConfig oavar name for is s_load_oxta_servlet

  • This parameter s_load_oxta_servlet is defaulted to ‘1’ which will load both OTA inbound servlet (TransportAgentServer) and outbound servlet (TransportAgentMain) when oc4j starts up.
  • If this parameter s_load_oxta_servlet is set to ‘-2’, then both OTA inbound and outbound servlets will not be loaded by default when oc4j starts up.
  • In this case, OTA inbound servlet will be loaded and started automatically when it receives the first request, whereas the outbound servlet will never get loaded as it is not supposed to receive any requests (it only sends). To start the outbound servlet, this parameter should be exclusively set to ‘1’.
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Enabling OTA in  R12

Rather than manually modifying the “orion-web.xml file”, do the following to set the Autoconfig oavar variable:
1) Logon as the System Administrator Responsibility.
2) Under Oracle Applications Manager, select Autoconfig.
3) Click the icon for Edit Parameters on the Applications tier.
4) Click on the System tab.
5) Look under oa_web_server for Load OXTA Servlet (s_load_oxta_servlet).
6) If this is currently set to -1 (default disabled configuration), you need to set the value to 1 (enable).
7) Look in this same section for the following and set as needed (if you have a proxy server that http/https communications need to go through):
OXTAOutUseProxy (s_oxta_proxy)
OXTAOutProxyHost (s_oxta_proxyhost)
OXTAOutProxyPort (s_oxta_proxyport)
Once you make changes, you will need to run Autoconfig to apply them and then bounce the applications tier to start up the OXTA.
Additional Parameters that are Set Through AutoConfig for XML Gateway OTA:
applSysSchema : APPLSYS (this indicates queues are in applsys schema)
OXTAOutThreads=1 (These 2 set the number of DB connections in your system for inbound and outbound requests)
OXTAOutProxyPort (These control whether a proxy is used for outgoing socket connections).
Parameters not Set Through AutoConfig:
OXTAOutBaseTimeout =10
OXTAOutLinearTimeout = 500
OXTAOutMaxAttempts= 5 (these control the time allowed for transactions to complete).
OXTAInMaxContent=1000000 (maximum payload size in bytes).

Common Problem with OTA in R12
OXTA does not start
After enable logging for OAFM by following Note 419839.1 – How to enable Apache, OC4J and OPMN logging in Oracle Applications R12, the following is observed in :

Exception creating connection pool. Exception: oracle.oc4j.sql.DataSourceException: Exception setting the property 'dbcFile' on the DataSource. Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Exception initializing deployed application: oafm. Application: oafm is in failed state as initialization failed
Internal error raised tyring to instantiate web-application: webservices defined in web site OC4J 10g (10.1.3) Default Web Site. Application: webservices has been stopped

(a)Change the ASADMIN password from User Management as follows (note: in this example password is set to welcome)
Log onto Oracle E-Business Suite using sysadmin/.
Select the User Management responsibility in the Navigator.
Click the Users link from the navigation menu to open the User Maintenance window.
Locate ‘ASADMIN’ user by entering information in the search area to retrieve the ‘ASADMIN’ user.
Click the Update icon next to the ASADMIN user to open the Update User window.
Remove the Active To date field and click Apply in case is not already removed
Click the Reset Password icon next to the ASADMIN user to open the Reset Password window.
Enter the new password twice and click Submit

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(b) Confirm the definition for ASADMIN user in $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/application-deployments/oafm/data-sources.xml is defined correctly:

Note: The password above must be set with exact value as above because ->ASADMIN is an indirection, it indicates AS that the password of ASADMIN must be taken from system-jazn-data.xml

(c) Change password for ASADMIN user in $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/system-jazn-data.xml to be ! (! in front is mandatory)
Mention: ! in front of password is mandatory and this sign means that password will be encrypted

(d)Shutdown and restart the OAFM container and re-test:
sh $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adoafmctl.sh stop
sh $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adoafmctl.sh start

EBS 12.2

  • In Release 12.2, OTA runs in the oafm-managed server and the system properties are read from the oafm_wls.properties file of the oafm-managed server which is $INST_TOP/appl/admin/oafm_wls.properties. The servlet startup should controlled via the autoconfig parameter s_load_oxta_servlet.  
  • This parameter s_load_oxta_servlet is defaulted to ‘1’ which will load both OTA inbound servlet (TransportAgentServer) and outbound servlet (TransportAgentMain) when the managed server starts up.
  • If this parameter s_load_oxta_servlet is set to ‘-2’, then both OTA inbound and outbound servlets will not be loaded by default when the managed server starts up.
  • In this case, the OTA inbound servlet will be loaded and started automatically when it receives the first request, whereas the outbound servlet will never get loaded as it is not supposed to receive any requests (it only sends). To start the outbound servlet, this parameter should be exclusively set to ‘1’.

You need to change the parameter in the context file through the Oracle application manager as explained above and run autoconfig

See also  Password Version in oracle

How to check if OTA is running

select machine,action, decode(count(*),0,'Error: OTA is Not Running','OTA is Running')
from gv$session
where action like '%OXTA%'
group by machine, action;

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