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split command in Unix

In this article, we will be discussing the use cases of the split  Unix command with examples.

split Unix command

(1) it split a file into pieces.
(2) SYNTAX for the Split command

split [-linecount | -l linecount | -b bytes]  [file [name] ]
-l line number
-b bytes

(3) This command is widely used to split the files into smaller small ones for various purposes like parallel processing.  You have 1000 lines command where each command can be executed parallelly, then you can split the files in example 4 files and execute them parallely to finish the processing in time.

(4) Another example would be to split the big files and then transmit over the network so that we dont get disconnection issues

How to split the files based on lines

Here is the example

split -l 100 x.txt  z

This  would split the file “x.txt” into files beginning with the name “z” each containing 100 lines of text each

$split -l 100 x.txt z 
zaa zab zac z.txt 

This will output three files, zaa, zab, and zac, and each one will be 1,00 lines long.

How to split the files based on bytes

We can use the split option -b to enable the splitting based on bytes

split -b 40k f1.txt segment 

This will output four 40KB files: segmentaa, segmentab, segmentac, and segmentad.

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