In this post, we will learn about sql loader in oracle, SQL loader syntax in oracle, SQL loader direct path load, SQL loader examples
Sql Loader in Oracle
- This tool is used to move the data from Non –oracle standard source or external files into the oracle
- we can Load data from multiple data files
- we can load data to multiple tables
- we can use conventional load or direct path load which provides superior loading performance
- we can use SQL loader from a system other than the database server
How Sql loader works
Two types of input have to be provided to SQL*Loader.
- The data file containing the actual data
- The control file containing the specification which drives the sql*loader session
SQL Loader generates three files
- The log file (Summary of the execution of the Load)
- The bad File (Records which are Rejected by Oracle either the format is wrong or the database rejected it)
- The discard File (Records were filtered out of the load because they did not match any record-selection criteria specified in the control file.)

Sql loader Syntax
sqlldr keyword=value

SQLLDR CONTROL=load.ctl, LOG=load.log, BAD=load.bad, DATA=load.dat
USERID=scott/tiger, DISCARD=load.dsc,
Hope you like this content on sql loader in oracle
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