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text tags in HTML

So far you have understood the introductory tags in html and here is the example of html based on that

<title>My fisrt Web page</title>
Hello techgoeasy

Now in this section , we will learning about text tags in HTML



<h1> and </h1> <h1> tags  tell the browser  to treat the text like heading  1

<h1>  beginning of the h1

</h1> end of the h1


<h1> techgoeasy</h1>


<h2> and </h2> <h2> tags  tell the browser  to treat the text like heading  2

<h2>  beginning of the h2

</h1> end of the h2


Similarly we have h3,h4,h5 and h6 Same as above . H1 is bigges and H6 is lowest


<b> and </b> <b> tags  tell the browser  to convert the text into bold letter

<b>  beginning of the b

</b> end of the b

For example

<b> Name </b>


<Strong>  and </strong> <string> tags  tell the browser  to convert the text into strong bold letter

<strong>  beginning of the strong

</strong> end of the strong

For example

<strong> Name </strong>


<em> and </em> <em> tags  tell the browser  to convert the text into Emphasized Text

<em>  beginning of the em

</em> end of the em

For example

<em> Name </em>


<i> and </i> <i> tags  tell the browser  to convert the text into italic Text

<i>  beginning of the i

</i> end of the i

For example

<i> Italic</i>


<del> and </del> <del> stand for strikethrough the text.
<cod> and </cod> <cod> stand for computer code text


See also  PHP array functions

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