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Aggregate functions in oracle

As part of learning the Oracle SQL tutorial, Here is good detail on the Aggregate functions in oracle

Aggregate functions in oracle/Group Functions

Group Functions unlike single value functions operate on the set of rows and return one row per group.  The set of rows may be a whole table or the table split into groups


Oracle server performed the following steps

  • First, the rows are selected based on where clause
  • Rows are grouped
  • The group function is applied to each group
  • The group that matches the criterion in the having clause are displayed

So the WHERE clause is evaluated first (restricts the query results), then the GROUP BY clause (groups the results of the WHERE), and then the HAVING clause (further restricts the results, by restricting the groups returned).

Important Points and Restrictions

  • We can use distinct in the the function to consider only non-duplicate values. The default is ALL
  • All the Group functions ignore Null values, we need to use NVL to consider them
  • Oracle server implicility sorts the result in ascending order. if you want descending order , you need to use order by
  • You can nest aggregate functions

Types of Aggregate Functions in Oracle include:

AVG([Distinct/all]  n)Numeric data types only. The average value of the column n ignoring null values
COUNT({*/[Distinct/all]expr})It is only a group function that includes null values. It counts the number of rows in the select statement which satisfies the where clause.  Count(*) includes all the null and duplicate values
MAX([Distinct/all]  expr)It can use with any data type. It gives the maximum value of expression ignoring null values
MIN([Distinct/all]  expr)It can use with any datatype. . It gives a minimum value of expression ignoring null values
STDDEV([Distinct/all]  n)Numeric data types only. It gives a standard deviation of n ignoring null values
SUM ([Distinct/all]  n)Numeric data types only and cannot have other arithmetic operators in the function. it provides the sum of n ignoring null values
VARIANCE([Distinct/all]  n)Numeric data types only. It gives variance of n ignoring null values


Lets create an sample table and insert some data

( "EMPNO" NUMBER(4,0),
"MGR" NUMBER(4,0),
"SAL" NUMBER(7,2),
insert into emp values( 1000, 'Blake', 'MANAGER', 7839, to_date('1-5-2007','dd-mm-yyyy'), 2850, null, 10 );
insert into emp values( 1001, 'Clark', 'MANAGER', 7839, to_date('9-6-2008','dd-mm-yyyy'), 2450, null, 10 );
insert into emp values( 1002, 'Scott', 'ANALYST', 7566, to_date('9-6-2012','dd-mm-yyyy'), 3000, null, 20 );
insert into emp values( 1003, 'TPM', 'ANALYST', 7566, to_date('9-6-2017','dd-mm-yyyy'), 3000, null, 20 );
insert into emp values( 1004, 'T1OM', 'ANALYST', 7567, to_date('9-7-2017','dd-mm-yyyy'), 4000, null, 20 );
insert into emp values( 1005, 'TOM', 'ANALYST', 7567, to_date('9-7-2017','dd-mm-yyyy'), 4000, null, 30 );

Now lets take some examples based on this

See also  How to check Index statistics in Oracle

Avg Function

The below statement gives the average salary in the Emp table

select avg(sal) from emp;

Count Function

The below statement gives the total count in the emp table

select count(*) from emp;

Min Function

select min(sal) from emp;

Max Function

select max(sal) from emp;

Sum function

select sum(sal) from emp;

I hope you like this post on aggregate functions in oracle

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