We can change the column datatype in a table using alter table modify column in oracle
ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name <action>;
Action can be many things like
(a) change the data type
(b) Shorten or widen the data type
(c) Change the default value
(d) Change to allow null or not nulls
(e) Column Visibility
(d) Virtual Column Modification
Let’s start one by one
Oracle MODIFY column change data type
You can modify column change datatype only if the column is empty
SQL> CREATE TABLE Books_master ( Book_Id NUMBER(6,0), Title VARCHAR2(50), Author VARCHAR2(50), ISBN VARCHAR2(25), BCost NUMBER(6,0), Publish_Year NUMBER(4,0), CONSTRAINT Books_master_PK PRIMARY KEY (Book_Id), CONSTRAINT Books_master_UK1 UNIQUE (Title, Author), CONSTRAINT Books_master_UK2 UNIQUE (ISBN) ) ; Table Created
Since the table is empty, we can modify column change datatype
SQL> alter table Books_master modify ISBN NUMBER(6,0); Table altered. SQL> alter table Books_master modify ISBN VARCHAR2(25); Table altered.
Let’s insert some data
SQL> INSERT INTO Books_master (Book_Id, Title, Author, ISBN, BCost, Publish_Year) VALUES (10, 'Complete/Convenient', 'Ketan Bhagat', 'ISBN 978-93-80349-92-3', 195, 2013); 1 row created. commit;
Now again try to modify the column to change the datatype
SQL> alter table Books_master modify ISBN NUMBER(6,0); alter table Books_master modify ISBN NUMBER(6,0) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
Now we can null that column and run this statement successfully
SQL> update Books_master set ISBN=null; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> alter table Books_master modify ISBN NUMBER(6,0); Table altered.
Now what to do if we want to keep the data, there are multiple options
(a) Add new column as new datatype, copy data to this column, delete the old column, rename new column as actual column name:
alter table books_master add ISBN1 number; update books_master set ISBN1=to_number(ISBN); alter table drop column ISBN; alter table rename column ISBN1 to ISBN;
(b) Use DBMS_REDEFINITION and rebuild your table with new columns
Oracle MODIFY column Shorten or widen the datatype(alter table modify column size oracle)
This is used when we want to change the VARCHAR bytes or characters.
Here we are increasing the VARCHAR length from 50 to 100
SQL> alter table Books_master modify title VARCHAR2(100); Table altered.
Now if we are trying to shorten the length from 100 to 10
SQL> alter table Books_master modify title VARCHAR2(10); alter table Books_master modify title VARCHAR2(10) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big
This happens as existing data does not fit into that size. So either can increase the length or update that column
SQL> alter table Books_master modify title VARCHAR2(20); Table altered.
Oracle MODIFY column default value
if we have to modify the default value of the column
SQL> alter table BOOKS_MASTER modify BCOST default 1000; Table altered.
Now next time if any insert happens and BCOST is null, it will have a default value as 1000
alter table BOOKS_MASTER modify BCOST default 1000;
Table altered.
SQL> INSERT INTO Books_master (Book_Id, Title, Author, ISBN,Publish_Year) VALUES (21, 'Deception', 'Dan', 123,2001);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select BCOST from Books_master where book_id=21;
Oracle MODIFY column NULL or NOT NULL
We can modify the column to allow null or not nulls
SQL> desc books_master Name Null? Type ---- --- ---- BOOK_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) TITLE VARCHAR2(20) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) ISBN NUMBER(6) BCOST NOT NULL NUMBER(6) PUBLISH_YEAR NUMBER(4) SQL> alter table BOOKS_MASTER modify PUBLISH_YEAR not null; Table altered. SQL> desc books_master Name Null? Type ---- ---- ----- BOOK_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) TITLE VARCHAR2(20) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) ISBN NUMBER(6) BCOST NOT NULL NUMBER(6) PUBLISH_YEAR NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
If you are changing to not null, we should have existing value, else this will fail
Oracle MODIFY column visibility
We can change the column visibility with Modify column
SQL> desc books_master Name Null? Type ---- ---- ----- BOOK_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) TITLE VARCHAR2(20) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) ISBN NUMBER(6) BCOST NOT NULL NUMBER(6) PUBLISH_YEAR NOT NULL NUMBER(4) SQL> alter table BOOKS_MASTER modify PUBLISH_YEAR invisible; Table altered. Now the column become invisible SQL> desc books_master Name Null? Type ---- ---- ---- BOOK_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) TITLE VARCHAR2(20) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) ISBN NUMBER(6) BCOST NOT NULL NUMBER(6) SQL> alter table BOOKS_MASTER modify PUBLISH_YEAR visible; Table altered. Now the column become visible SQL> desc books_master Name Null? Type --- ----- ----- BOOK_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) TITLE VARCHAR2(20) AUTHOR VARCHAR2(50) ISBN NUMBER(6) BCOST NOT NULL NUMBER(6) PUBLISH_YEAR NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
I hope you like this post on the oracle alter table modify the column. Please do provide the feedback
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alter table add column oracle
alter table rename column oracle
drop column in oracle