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Autoconfig In Oracle R12

Introduction to Autoconfig in oracle apps R12

Autoconfig in oracle apps R12
  • Autoconfig in oracle apps r12 is a tool that supports the automated configuration of an Applications instance.
  • Autoconfig tool is a set of scripts to centralize and simplify E-Business Suite configuration management.
  • It does so by maintaining a central repository of E-Business Suite environment information in a context file(.xml) on each mid-tier.
  • Run the adconfig command to propagate changes to all the corresponding files.

How to run autoconfig in R12

  • adbldxml.sh – Creates the Applications context file, e.g. .xml
  • adchkcfg.sh – This script is used for analysis purposes. It generates a report that shows differences between the original configuration files and the AutoConfig generated configuration files.
  • adconfig.sh – This script calls the Java API to run the AutoConfig engine, which instantiates template files with instance-specific details from the XML context file, and updates configuration files and profile options.

Autoconfig Context file

  • Context file contains all the variables and their values related to the files of tech-stack environment for managing the variables centrally.
  • Context file is created under $APPL_TOP/admin with naming conventions as .xml using adbldxml.sh script.

Autoconfig template files

-Template files that include named tags, which are replaced with instance-specific information from the according Context (this process is called “instantiation”).
-The template files are located in the relevant product. For e.g. $_TOP/admin/template directories like adapcctl_ux.sh resides under $AD_TOP/admin/template

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header_string=”$Header: adapcctl_ux.sh 115.50 2006/04/07 11:05:26 mmanku ship $”
prog_version=`echo “$header_string” | awk ‘{print $3}’`
program=`basename $0`
usage=”t$program {start|stop|status|graceful|restart|configtest|help}”#
# Make sure the logfile directory exists
if [ ! -d `dirname %s_apclog%` ]; then
mkdir -p `dirname %s_apclog%`
if [ ! -d `dirname %s_apclog_pls%` ]; then
mkdir -p `dirname %s_apclog_pls%`
fi;printf “n$program version $prog_versionn”

-It is used to store site-specific details for each product. It maintains the template info about a specific file as what it will contain. As above, the variable “%s_apclog%” represents a parameter value as defined in the context file.

Autoconfig template Driver files

  • Every product in the E-Business Suite maintains a driver file used by AutoConfig. The driver file lists the AutoConfig file templates and their destination locations.
  • Used to tell AutoConfig how to build target files
  • AutoConfig searches each /admin/driver directory,
  • Looking for the appropriate tmpl.drv files.
  • For example adtmpl.drv,fndtmpl.drv

AutoConfig Scripts
A set of scripts that provide a simplified interface to the AutoConfig APIs.

How Autoconfig  works in R12

  • First, create the Context file using adbldxml.sh
  • Provide the required parameter values in the context file, like s_webport=8000.
  • Run autoconfig using adconfig.sh
  • Autoconfig engine scans the /admin/driver directory to find the “template Driver file ” like it reads “fndtmpl.drv” under $FND_TOP/ admin/driver to get the list of files to be created for this product. For example, it gets httpd.conf to be created as fnd admin/template httpd_ux.conf INSTE8 /Apache/Apache/conf httpd.conf
  • from the above entry in the driver file also gets the “template filename“ as “httpd_ux.conf” to be used to create the httpd.conf file.
  • For creating httpd.conf it reads the parameter from “httpd_ux.conf” and the corresponding value from the context file, e.g for the %s_webport% parameter it reads the corresponding value from the context file and replaces the parameter in the created httpd.conf file.
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How to Implement Autoconfig in oracle apps R12

  • Apply Autoconfig Patches
  • Change ownership of the application tier ORACLE_HOME.It should be owned by applmgr
  • Migrate the Database tier to autoconfig
  • Generate appsutil.zip using perl $AD_TOP/bin/admkappsutil.pl on admin tier as applmgr
  • Copy appsutil.zip to $ORACLE_HOME on the database tier
  • unzip appsutil.zip
  • Create context.xml file using adbldxml.sh on Database tier as an oracle
  • Generate diff Report using adcfgchk.sh and Analyze for differences.
  • Perform pre-Autoconfig steps
  • Run Autoconfig and do post Autoconfig Steps
  • Migrate the Application tier to autoconfig
  • Create context.xml file using adbldxml.sh on Middle tier as applmgr
  • Generate diff Report using adcfgchk.sh and Analyze for differences.
  • Perform pre-Autoconfig steps
  • Run Autoconfig and do post Autoconfig Steps
  • Start applications using Autoconfig utilities.

Autoconfig – Startup Scripts

Start the Application using the following Autoconfig utilities.

cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/

Listener : lsnrctl start listener_
Apache : adapcctl.sh start
Form server : adfrmctl.sh start apps/pass
Conc. Man. : adcmctl.sh start apps/pass
Report Serv : adrepctl.sh start

Autoconfig also supports some basic customization.For this it provides keywords
#Begin Customization

#END Customization.
The customized parameters can be included between these two keywords and Autoconfig will not overwrite these.

Autoconfig log file location in R12

Database Tier

Logs for the autoconfig are located:

RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/< timestamp >/adconfig.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/< timestamp >/NetServiceHandler.log

Application Tier

Logs for the adconfig are located:
$INST_TOP/admin/log/< timestamp >/adconfig.log
$INST_TOP/admin/log/< timestamp >/NetServiceHandler.log

R12 Autoconfig phases

Here are the phases for Autoconfig

 # There are five phases which autoconfig recognizes and performs in 
# They are in order
# INSTALL ( Instantiate the template during Install )
=> if the file exists, do not replace it

 # INSTE8 ( To instantiate files )
=> create new files from templates, files marked as INSTALL in driver 
files will not be instantiated

# INSTE8_SETUP ( Instantiate and run in setup phase )
=> executing scripts after instantiation phase

# INSTE8_PRF ( Instantiate and run in profiles phase )
=> profiles phase mostly consists of running scripts to update profile 

# INSTE8_APPLY ( Instantiate and run in apply phase )
Services phase
=> updating of AD_APPL_TOPS table with accurate informatio

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