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How to run autoconfig in oracle apps R12

Here are the steps on How to run autoconfig in oracle apps R12 including both the Database and Application Tier. It is the same for all the versions of R12 i.e R12.0., R12.1 and R12.2

Stop Services on Middle and CM Tier

First, bring down all the services on Middle Tier and CM Tier

b. run adstpall.sh

Autoconfig on the Database tier

(a) Source the Oracle Database env
(b) cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
ii. run adautocfg.sh
iii) Check the autoconfig log files for any errors
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME

If this is a RAC(Real Application Cluster) environment, we need to run on all the Nodes

Autoconfig on Apps Tier

Please run autoconfig on all the app tiers. Start with the Primary Tier and once all the nodes are done, Please run the autoconfig on the Primary node again

(a) Please source the APPS environment
(c) run adautocfg.sh

Start the services on App Tiers

Now once the autoconfig is completed, please start the services on all the nodes and verify the application

Restart the Middle (APPS) Tier
b. run adstrtal.sh

I hope you like this post on How to run autoconfig in oracle apps R12. Please do provide the feedback

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