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How to clone the database using manual cold backup

Cold backup Database Cloning is the simplest method to clone the database. The disadvantage of this approach is that database will be down during cold backup.

The high-level steps for How to clone the database using Cold backup Database Cloning
1) Take the cold backup of the database to be cloned
2) Copy all the backup files to the destination server
3) Create the init.ora, then startup nomount then create the control file on the new location
4) alter database open resetlogs to bring the new clone online
Let us take an example

Source Database Name: TEST
Source Database physical files path=/u001/oracle/TEST/oradata

Cloned Database Name: TEST_NEW
Target Database physical files path=/u001/oracle/TEST_NEW/oradata

Take the cold backup of the database to be cloned

(a) Find the location of the data files and shutdown the DB

sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> select name from v$datafile;
SQL> select member from v$logfile;
SQL> select name from v$controlfile;
shutdown immediate

(b) copy all the data files to the backup location. We dont need to copy the Temp tablespace if it is temporary files only

(c) Start the database and backup control to trace

alter database backup controlfile to trace;

This will copy the database information to the trace location

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(d) Parameter file backup.
If the ‘TEST’ database is using spfile,

SQL> create pfile=’/tmp/initTEST.ora’ from spfile;

Use the OS command to copy the pfile to a backup location.

Copy all the backup files to the destination server

Copy all data files from the backup location to the Target location. It could be a different server or the same server

$ mkdir /u001/oracle/TEST_NEW/oradata
cp or rcp depending the target nodes

Create the init.ora, then startup nomount then create the control file on the new location

On the target node

(a) Copy the backup init. ora to the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and then change the db_name, control file paths, dump parameter and other things as necessary

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ vi initTEST_NEW.ora

(b) Create appropriate directory structure in clone database for dumps as specified in init.ora file

(c) Copy the control file trace file from the source database to the target node and then edit it for redo log files location, datafiles location, database name

GROUP 1 ‘/u001/oracle/TEST_NEW/oradataredo01.log’ SIZE 200M,
GROUP 2 ‘/u001/oracle/TEST_NEW/oradataredo02.log’ SIZE 200M,
GROUP 2 ‘/u001/oracle/TEST_NEW/oradataredo02.log’ SIZE 200M,

(d) Source the target database env like ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME

SQL> startup nomount
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/cntrl.sql

alter database open resetlogs to bring the new clone online

Once the control file’s successfully created, open the database with the resetlogs option.

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;

It will automatically create the temp files on opening. Now you cloned database is Up and running and users can use it

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