
What are Concurrent Managers
- Concurrent Managers are the controllers of background processing for Oracle Applications.
- The main function of Concurrent Managers is to regulate and control process requests based upon a set of rules.
- It is a technique used to execute non interactive, data-dependent programs simultaneously in the background.
- Oracle Applications comes with predefined managers, including the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM), Standard Manager, Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM) and Transaction Managers (TM).
- The Internal Concurrent Manager controls all the other Concurrent Managers that are operating system processes that poll for requests.
- Within Applications, you can also create any number of Concurrent Managers to handle particular types of requests or programs and specialize them for your business requirement
- The ICM (Internal Concurrent Manager) controls all of the other concurrent managers.
- The Standard Manager accepts any and all requests. It has no predefined specialization rules and is active all the time. It is not recommended to add specialization rules to the standard manager as it is common to cause problems.
- The Conflict Resolution Manager resolves conflicts, such as request incompatibilities.
Concurrent Manager troubleshooting is a major part of Oracle apps administration. Here are the Top 30 Most Useful Concurrent Manager Queries to help you in resolving issues. Just log in to the oracle database with suitable user-like apps to get the all details
Top 30 Most Useful Concurrent Manager Queries
Query to check the setting of the ICM in the Concurrent Manager environment
select 'PCP' "name", value from apps.fnd_env_context where variable_name = 'APPLDCP' and concurrent_process_id = (select max(concurrent_process_id) from apps.fnd_concurrent_processes where concurrent_queue_id = 1) UNION ALL select 'RAC' "name", decode(count(*), 0, 'N', 1, 'N', 'Y') "value" from V$thread UNION ALL select 'GSM' "name", NVL(v.profile_option_value, 'N') "value" from apps.fnd_profile_options p, apps.fnd_profile_option_values v where p.profile_option_name = 'CONC_GSM_ENABLED' and p.profile_option_id = v.profile_option_id UNION ALL select name, value from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_params where queue_application_id = 0 and concurrent_queue_id = 1;
Query to check the details for all the enabled Concurrent Manager
select fcq.application_id "Application Id", fcq.concurrent_queue_name, fcq.user_concurrent_queue_name "Service", fa.application_short_name, fcq.target_node "Node", fcq.max_processes "Target", fcq.node_name "Primary", fcq.node_name2 "Secondary",fcq.cache_size "Cache Size", fcp.concurrent_processor_name "Program Library", sleep_seconds from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcq, apps.fnd_application fa, apps.fnd_concurrent_processors fcp where fcq.application_id = fa.application_id and fcq.processor_application_id = fcp.application_id and fcq.concurrent_processor_id = fcp.concurrent_processor_id and fcq.enabled_flag='Y';
How to check the request type and Programs for the concurrent Managers
column action format a10 column manager format a20 column object format a20 column type format a10 set pages 0 set lines 400 select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name, q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", l2.meaning "Type", p.user_concurrent_program_name "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl p, apps.fnd_lookups l1, apps.fnd_lookups l2 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code = 'P' and c.type_id = p.concurrent_program_id and c.type_application_id = p.application_id and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' and l2.lookup_code = 'P' and l2.lookup_type = 'CP_SPECIAL_RULES' UNION ALL select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name, q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", 'Application' "Type", a.application_name "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_application_vl a, apps.fnd_lookups l1 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code = 'P' and c.type_id is null and c.type_application_id = a.application_id and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' UNION ALL select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name, q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", l2.meaning "Type", x.complex_rule_name "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_concurrent_complex_rules x, apps.fnd_lookups l1, apps.fnd_lookups l2 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code = 'C' and c.type_id = x.complex_rule_id and c.type_application_id = x.application_id and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' and l2.lookup_code = 'C' and l2.lookup_type = 'CP_SPECIAL_RULES' UNION ALL select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name, q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", l2.meaning "Type", r.request_class_name "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_concurrent_request_class r, apps.fnd_lookups l1, apps.fnd_lookups l2 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code = 'R' and c.type_id = r.request_class_id and c.type_application_id = r.application_id and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' and l2.lookup_code = 'R' and l2.lookup_type = 'CP_SPECIAL_RULES' UNION ALL select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name,q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", l2.meaning "Type", o.oracle_username "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_oracle_userid o, apps.fnd_lookups l1, apps.fnd_lookups l2 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code = 'O' and c.type_id = o.oracle_id and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' and l2.lookup_code = 'O' and l2.lookup_type = 'CP_SPECIAL_RULES' UNION ALL select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name,q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", l2.meaning "Type", u.user_name "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.FND_OAM_FNDUSER_VL u, apps.fnd_lookups l1, apps.fnd_lookups l2 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code = 'U' and c.type_id = u.user_id and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' and l2.lookup_code = 'U' and l2.lookup_type = 'CP_SPECIAL_RULES' UNION ALL select q.application_id, q.concurrent_queue_name,q.user_concurrent_queue_name "Manager", l1.meaning "Action", l2.meaning "Type", to_char(c.type_id) "Object" from apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_content c, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_lookups l1, apps.fnd_lookups l2 where q.concurrent_queue_id = c.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = c.queue_application_id and c.type_code not in ('C','P','O','R', 'U') and l1.lookup_code = c.include_flag and l1.lookup_type = 'INCLUDE_EXCLUDE' and l2.lookup_code = c.type_code and l2.lookup_type = 'CP_SPECIAL_RULES';
How to check/find the shift/max/min for All the concurrent Manager
select fcq.application_id, fcq.concurrent_queue_name, fcq.user_concurrent_queue_name, ftp.application_id, ftp.concurrent_time_period_name, fa.application_short_name, ftp.description, fcqs.min_processes, fcqs.max_processes, fcqs.sleep_seconds, fcqs.service_parameters from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcq, apps.fnd_concurrent_queue_size fcqs, apps.fnd_concurrent_time_periods ftp, apps.fnd_application fa where fcq.application_id = fcqs.queue_application_id and fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcqs.concurrent_queue_id and fcqs.period_application_id = ftp.application_id and fcqs.concurrent_time_period_id = ftp.concurrent_time_period_id and ftp.application_id = fa.application_id;
Query to check all the values of Concurrent Manager related Site level profile option and there lookup
SELECT fpo.profile_option_name, fpo.profile_option_id, fpov.profile_option_value, fpov.level_id, fa.application_short_name, fpo.user_profile_option_name, fpo.sql_validation, fpo.description FROM apps.FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS_VL fpo, apps.FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES fpov, apps.fnd_application fa where fpo.application_id = 0 and fpo.site_enabled_flag = 'Y' and (fpo.profile_option_name like 'CONC_%' or fpo.profile_option_name like 'FS_%' or fpo.profile_option_name like 'PRINTER%' or fpo.profile_option_name in ('EDITOR_CHAR', 'FNDCPVWR_FONT_SIZE', 'MAX_PAGE_LENGTH', 'APPLWRK')) and fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id and fpo.application_id = fpov.application_id and fpo.application_id = fa.application_id and fpov.level_id = 10001;
Query to check concurrent manager status from backend
select q.user_concurrent_queue_name service_name, a.application_name srvc_app_name, a.application_short_name srvc_app_short_name, q.concurrent_queue_name service_short_name, decode( ( select count(*) from apps.fnd_concurrent_processes fcp1 where fcp1.concurrent_queue_id = q.concurrent_queue_id and fcp1.queue_application_id = q.application_id and ( fcp1.process_status_code in ('C','M') or ( fcp1.process_status_code in ('A', 'D', 'T') and exists (select 1 from gv$session where fcp1.session_id = audsid ) ) ) )/*actual_processes */, 0, decode(q.max_processes, 0,'NOT_STARTED', 'DOWN'), q.max_processes, 'UP', 'WARNING' ) service_status, q.max_processes target_processes, (select count(*) from apps.fnd_concurrent_processes fcp2 where fcp2.concurrent_queue_id = q.concurrent_queue_id and fcp2.queue_application_id = q.application_id and ( fcp2.process_status_code in ('C','M') /* Connecting or Migrating */ or ( fcp2.process_status_code in ('A', 'D', 'T') and exists (select 1 from gv$session where fcp2.session_id = audsid) ) ) ) actual_processes, '' message, s.service_handle srvc_handle from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_application_vl a, apps.fnd_cp_services s where q.application_id = a.application_id and s.service_id = q.manager_type UNION /* Need to cover the case where a manager has no rows in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES. Outer joins won't cut it. */ select q.user_concurrent_queue_name service_name, a.application_name srvc_app_name, a.application_short_name srvc_app_short_name, q.concurrent_queue_name srvc_short_name, decode( q.max_processes, 0, 'NOT_STARTED', 'DOWN') service_status, q.max_processes target_processes, 0 actual_processes, '' message, s.service_handle srvc_handle from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl q, apps.fnd_application_vl a, apps.fnd_cp_services s where q.application_id = a.application_id and s.service_id = q.manager_type and not exists (select 1 from apps.fnd_concurrent_processes p where process_status_code in ('C','M','A','D','T') and q.concurrent_queue_id = p.concurrent_queue_id and q.application_id = p.queue_application_id);
To check All the running jobs with DB session details on the current DB node
set lines 200 set pages 200 column PHASE heading 'Phase' format A8 column STATUS heading 'Status' format A8 column PROGRAM heading 'Program Name' format A25 column REQUESTOR heading 'Requestor' format A9 column START_TIME heading 'Start Time' format A15 column RUN_TIME justify left heading 'Runtime(m)' format 9999.99 column OSPID heading 'OSPID' format a5 column SID heading 'DBSID' format 99999 spool crrunning.lst select fcrv.request_id REQUEST, decode(fcrv.phase_code,'P','Pending','R','Running','I','Inactive','Completed')PHASE, decode(fcrv.status_code, 'A','Waiting', 'B','Resuming', 'C','Normal', 'F','Scheduled', 'G','Warning', 'H','On Hold', 'I','Normal', 'M','No Manager', 'Q','Standby', 'R','Normal', 'S','Suspended', 'T','Terminating', 'U','Disabled', 'W','Paused', 'X','Terminated', 'Z','Waiting',fcrv.status_code)STATUS, substr(fcrv.program,1,25)PROGRAM, substr(fcrv.requestor,1,9)REQUESTOR, to_char(fcrv.actual_start_date,'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI')START_TIME, round(((sysdate - fcrv.actual_start_date)*1440),2)RUN_TIME, substr(fcr.oracle_process_id,1,7)OSPID, vs.sid SID --substr(fcr.os_process_id,1,7)OS_PID from apps.fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrv, apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, v$session vs, v$process vp where fcrv.phase_code = 'R' and fcrv.request_id = fcr.request_id and fcr.oracle_process_id = vp.spid and vs.paddr = vp.addr order by PHASE, STATUS, REQUEST desc /
To find the Trace file for particular concurrent request
column traceid format a8 column tracename format a80 column user_concurrent_program_name format a40 column execname format a15 column enable_trace format a12 set lines 80 set pages 22 set head offSELECT 'Request id: '||request_id , 'Trace id: '||oracle_Process_id, 'Trace Flag: '||req.enable_trace, 'Trace Name: '||dest.value||'/'||lower(dbnm.value)||'_ora_'||oracle_process_id||'.trc', 'Prog. Name: '||prog.user_concurrent_program_name, 'File Name: '||execname.execution_file_name|| execname.subroutine_name , 'Status : '||decode(phase_code,'R','Running') ||'-'||decode(status_code,'R','Normal'), 'SID Serial: '||ses.sid||','|| ses.serial#, 'Module : '||ses.module from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests req, v$session ses, v$process proc, v$parameter dest, v$parameter dbnm, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog, apps.fnd_executables execname where req.request_id = &request and req.oracle_process_id=proc.spid(+) and proc.addr = ses.paddr(+) and dest.name='user_dump_dest' and dbnm.name='db_name' and req.concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id and req.program_application_id = prog.application_id and prog.application_id = execname.application_id and prog.executable_id=execname.executable_id;
To find the overall Request set activity and its various request completion time
set linesize 300 col "Program Name" format a50 col Elapsed format 9999.99 col "Process ID" format a10 col REQUEST_DATE format a15 col ACTUAL_START_DATE format a15 col REQUEST format 999999999 col PARENT format 999999999 col argument_text format a50SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(x fcr fcp fcptl)*/ fcr.request_id "REQUEST", fcr.parent_request_id "PARENT", fcr.oracle_process_id "Process ID", fcptl.user_concurrent_program_name "Program Name", fcr.argument_text, DECODE(fcr.phase_code ,'X', 'Terminated' ,'E', 'Error' ,'C','Completed' ,'P','Pending' ,'R','Running' ,phase_code) "Phase", DECODE(fcr.status_code ,'X','Terminated' ,'C','Normal' ,'D','Cancelled' ,'E','Error' ,'G','Warning' ,'Q','Scheduled' ,'R','Normal' ,'W','Paused' ,'Not Sure') "Status", --fcr.phase_code, --fcr.status_code, fcr.request_date, fcr.actual_start_date, fcr.actual_completion_date, (fcr.actual_completion_date - fcr.actual_start_date)*1440 "Elapsed" FROM (SELECT /*+ index (fcr1 FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_N3) */ fcr1.request_id FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1 WHERE 1=1 START WITH fcr1.request_id = &request_id --CONNECT BY PRIOR fcr1.parent_request_id = fcr1.request_id) x, CONNECT BY PRIOR fcr1.request_id = fcr1.parent_request_id) x, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, fnd_concurrent_programs fcp, fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcptl WHERE fcr.request_id = x.request_id AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id AND fcp.application_id = fcptl.application_id AND fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcptl.concurrent_program_id AND fcptl.LANGUAGE = 'US' ORDER BY 1
To find the sid from the request id
select s.inst_id, fcr.request_id, fv.requestor, fv.Program cmgr_job, p.PID, p.SERIAL#, p.USERNAME p_user, p.SPID, to_char(s.logon_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') Logon_Time, s.program, s.command, s.sid, s.serial#, s.username, s.process, s.machine, s.action, s.module from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr, apps.FND_CONC_REQ_SUMMARY_V fv, gv$session s, gv$process p where fcr.request_id = &request_id and p.SPID = fcr.oracle_process_id and s.process = fcr.OS_PROCESS_ID and s.inst_id = p.inst_id and p.addr = s.paddr and fv.request_id = fcr.request_id ;
To find all the things in detail from the particular request id/ query to find concurrent request details/how to check concurrent request status from backend/ query to find concurrent program run time
set pages 100; col request_class_application_id format 99999999 heading 'REQUEST_CLASS|APP_ID' col os_process_id format a8 col application_short_name format a5 col requested_start_date format a18 heading 'REQUEST DATE' col actual_start_date format a18 heading 'START DATE' col actual_completion_date format a18 heading 'COMPLETE DATE' -- select r.REQUEST_ID ,u.user_name , decode(r.PHASE_CODE,'C', 'Complete','P', 'Pending', 'R', 'Running', r.PHASE_CODE) phase ,decode(r.STATUS_CODE, 'C', 'Normal','I' ,'Normal','R' ,'Normal','Q', 'Standby', 'E' ,'Error', 'X' ,'Terminated','W', 'Paused' , r.STATUS_CODE) status ,r.PRIORITY ,decode(r.HOLD_FLAG,'N','"NOT on hold"','Y','"ON HOLD"',r.HOLD_FLAG) Hold_flag , p.application_short_name ,f.user_concurrent_program_name,f.concurrent_program_name,e.EXECUTABLE_NAME,e.EXECUTION_FILE_NAME, e.EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE,e.EXECUTION_FILE_PATH , v.RESPONSIBILITY_name , r.REQUEST_CLASS_APPLICATION_ID , q.request_class_name , r.PARENT_REQUEST_ID ,to_char(r.REQUESTED_START_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI') requested_start_date ,to_char(r.ACTUAL_START_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI') actual_start_date ,decode(r.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,null,'"Still Running"',to_char(r.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI')) actual_completion_date ,to_char(decode(r.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE,null,SYSDATE,r.ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE)-decode(r.ACTUAL_START_DATE,null,SYSDATE,r.ACTUAL_START_DATE),'MI') "Time Running" ,r.CPU_SECONDS ,r.LOGICAL_IOS ,r.PHYSICAL_IOS ,r.ORACLE_PROCESS_ID ,r.ORACLE_SESSION_ID ,r.OS_PROCESS_ID ,r.CD_ID ,decode(r.ENABLE_TRACE,'N', '"NOT Tracing"', 'Y', '"TRACING"', r.ENABLE_TRACE) Trace ,decode(f.run_alone_flag, 'N', '"NOT Alone"', 'Y', '"RUN ALONE"', f.run_alone_flag) Alone ,r.ARGUMENT_TEXT Parameters ,r.LOGFILE_NAME from fnd_concurrent_requests r , fnd_user u , fnd_application p , fnd_concurrent_programs_vl f ,fnd_EXECUTABLEs e , fnd_responsibility_vl v , fnd_concurrent_request_class q where u.user_id = r.requested_by and p.application_id = r.PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID and r.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID = f.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID and f.EXECUTABLE_ID=e.EXECUTABLE_ID and v.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id and q.request_class_id (+)= r.concurrent_request_class_id and r.request_id = &reqid;
Sql to find Pending request in all Concurrent Manager/query to find pending concurrent requests
select request_id, b.user_concurrent_queue_name from apps.fnd_concurrent_worker_requests a, apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl b where a.phase_code = 'P' and a.status_code = 'I' and a.hold_flag != 'Y' and a.requested_start_date <= sysdate and a.concurrent_queue_id = b.concurrent_queue_id and a.control_code is null --and a.concurrent_queue_name != 'FNDCRM' and a.concurrent_queue_name not in ('FNDCRM') order by request_id, b.user_concurrent_queue_name /
How to find which manager runs your request ID/query to find concurrent manager for concurrent program
Column OsId Format A7 Column Oracle_Process_ID Format 99999 Column Concurrent_Queue_Name Format A20 Column Log Format A25 Column Started_At Format A20Set Head Off Set Verify Off Set Echo OffSelect 'The ' || Concurrent_Queue_Name || ' concurrent manager ran your request from', to_char(Actual_Start_date, ' MON-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM') || ' - to - ' || to_char(Actual_COMPLETION_date, 'MON-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM'), 'The ' || Concurrent_Queue_Name || ' concurrent manager log file is ' || P.Logfile_Name, 'Request log file is ' || R.Logfile_Name From Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Q, Fnd_Concurrent_requests R, Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P Where (P.Concurrent_Queue_ID = Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID And Queue_Application_ID = Q.Application_ID ) And R.Controlling_Manager = P.Concurrent_Process_ID And R.Phase_Code = 'C' And Request_ID = &Request_ID ;set head on
To find History of the Request ID program
set linesize 250 col request_date format a15 col requested_start_date format a15 col actual_start_date format a15 col actual_completion_date format a15 col argument_text format a70 col Elapsed format 9999.99 select * from (select a.request_id, a.parent_request_id, DECODE(a.phase_code, 'C','Completed', 'I','Inactive', 'P','Pending', 'R','Running') || ' ' || DECODE(a.status_code, 'A','Waiting', 'B','Resuming', 'C','Normal', 'D','Cancelled', 'E','Error', 'G','Warning', 'H','On Hold', 'I',' Normal', 'M','No Manager', 'P','Scheduled', 'Q','Standby', 'R',' Normal', 'S','Suspended', 'T','Terminating', 'U','Disabled', 'W','Paused', 'X','Terminated', 'Z',' Waiting') "PHASE_STATUS ", a.request_date, a.requested_start_date, a.actual_start_date, a.actual_completion_date , (nvl(actual_completion_date,sysdate) - actual_start_date)*1440 "Elapsed", a.argument_text ,a.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME from apps.FND_CONC_REQ_SUMMARY_V a where a.concurrent_program_id=(select concurrent_program_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&1) ---(nvl(actual_completion_date,sysdate) - actual_start_date)*1440 > 10 order by a.request_id desc) where rownum < 100;
Query to check concurrent program run history
ttitle off set linesize 180 set pagesize 60 set newpage 0 set pause off set termout on ttitle 'CM Analysis Report' skip1 col conc_que format a15 heading "Conc Queue" col user_name format a12 heading "Requestor" col reqid format 99999999 heading "Req ID" col sdate format a9 heading "Date" col astart format a8 heading "ActSt|Time" col acomp format a8 heading "ActEnd|Time" col rtime format 99,999 heading "ExTme|(Sec)" col wtime format 99,999 heading "WtTme|(Sec)" col pname1 format a40 heading "Short|Name" col pname2 format a65 heading "Prog Name" col args format a25 heading "Arguments" select trunc(actual_start_date) sdate, request_id reqid, user_name, to_char(actual_start_date,'HH24:MI:SS') astart, to_char(actual_completion_date,'HH24:MI:SS') acomp, ((actual_start_date - requested_start_date)*60*60*24) wtime, ((actual_completion_date - actual_start_date)*60*60*24) rtime, que.concurrent_queue_name conc_que, prog.user_concurrent_program_name pname2, req.argument_text args from applsys.fnd_concurrent_queues que, applsys.fnd_user usr, applsys.fnd_concurrent_programs prog, applsys.fnd_concurrent_requests req, applsys.fnd_concurrent_processes proc where (actual_start_date between to_date('&start_date', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('&end_date', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') or actual_completion_date between to_date('&start_dte', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and to_date('&end_date', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) and user_concurrent_program_name like '&program_name%' and que.application_id= proc.queue_application_id and que.concurrent_queue_id = proc.concurrent_queue_id and req.controlling_manager= proc.concurrent_process_id and usr.user_id = req.requested_by and prog.concurrent_program_id = req.concurrent_program_id and prog.application_id = req.program_application_id and prog.concurrent_program_name not in ('ACTIVATE','ABORT','DEACTIVATE','VERIFY') order by actual_start_date;
Query to find Running request in Concurrent Manager/ how to check running concurrent request from backend/concurrent program status query in oracle apps
set pages 58 set linesize 79Column Reqst Format 999999 Column Requestor Format A10 Column Orcl Format A7 Column Program Format A10 Column Started Format A14 Column Manager Format A11 Column LN Format a10Column Reqst HEADING 'Request|ID ' Column Requestor HEADING 'Requestor' Column Orcl HEADING 'Oracle|Name' Column Started HEADING 'Started at' Column MANAGER HEADING 'Controlling|Manager' Column LN HEADING 'Logfile|name' Column Program HEADING 'Program'select Request_Id Reqst, User_Name Requestor, Oracle_Username Orcl, Fcr.Logfile_Name LN, Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Concurrent_Program_Name Program, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Started, Run_Alone_Flag, Single_Thread_Flag From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr, Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, Fnd_Oracle_Userid O, Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Q, Fnd_User Where Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_ID And ( P.Concurrent_Queue_ID = Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID AND P.Queue_Application_ID = Q.Application_ID ) And O.Oracle_Id = Fcr.Oracle_Id And ( Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id And Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id ) And Requested_By = User_Id And Phase_Code = 'R' and Status_Code = 'R' Order By Actual_Start_Date, Request_Id /
Query to find Terminating Requests in Concurrent Manager
set pages 58 set linesize 79Column Reqst Format 999999 Column Requestor Format A10 Column Orcl Format A7 Column Program Format A10 Column Started Format A14 Column Manager Format A11 Column LN Format a10Column Reqst HEADING 'Request|ID ' Column Requestor HEADING 'Requestor' Column Orcl HEADING 'Oracle|Name' Column Started HEADING 'Started at' Column MANAGER HEADING 'Controlling|Manager' Column LN HEADING 'Logfile|name' Column Program HEADING 'Program'Select Request_Id Reqst, User_Name Requestor, Oracle_Username Orcl, Fcr.Logfile_Name LN, Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Concurrent_Program_Name Program, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Started, Run_Alone_Flag, Single_Thread_Flag From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr, Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, Fnd_Oracle_Userid O, Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P, Fnd_Concurrent_Queues Q, Fnd_User Where Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_ID And ( P.Concurrent_Queue_ID = Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID AND P.Queue_Application_ID = Q.Application_ID ) And O.Oracle_Id = Fcr.Oracle_Id And ( Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id And Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id ) And Requested_By = User_Id And Phase_Code = 'R' and Status_Code = 'T' Order By Actual_Start_Date, Request_Id /
Query to find Paused Requests in Concurrent Manager
set pages 58 set linesize 79Column Reqst Format 999999 Column Requestor Format A10 Column Orcl Format A7 Column Program Format A10 Column Started Format A14 Column Manager Format A11 Column LN Format a10Column Reqst HEADING 'Request|ID ' Column Requestor HEADING 'Requestor' Column Orcl HEADING 'Oracle|Name' Column Started HEADING 'Started at' Column MANAGER HEADING 'Controlling|Manager' Column LN HEADING 'Logfile|name' Column Program HEADING 'Program'Select Request_Id Reqst, User_Name Requestor, Oracle_Username Orcl, Fcr.Logfile_Name LN, Concurrent_Program_Name Program, To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'Mm-Dd-Yy Hh24:Mi') Started, Run_Alone_Flag, Single_Thread_Flag From Fnd_Concurrent_Requests Fcr, Fnd_Concurrent_Programs Fcp, Fnd_Oracle_Userid O, Fnd_User Where Status_Code = 'W' And Fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = Fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id And Fcr.Program_Application_Id = Fcp.Application_Id And Requested_By = User_Id And O.Oracle_Id = Fcr.Oracle_Id Order By Actual_Start_Date, Request_Id /
Check the log and outfile created from certain time period
select outfile_node_name,outfile_name, logfile_node_name,logfile_name from fnd_concurrent_requests where phase_code = 'C' and actual_completion_date < SYSDATE - &age;
Run the following query to check whether any specialization rule defined for any concurrent manager that includes/excludes the concurrent program in question. Query returns ‘no rows selected’ when there are no Include/Exclude specialization rules of Program type for the given concurrent program.
select 'Concurrent program '||fcp.concurrent_program_name||' is ' ||decode(fcqc.include_flag,'I','included in ','E','excluded from ')||fcqv.user_concurrent_queue_name specialization_rule_details from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcqv,fnd_concurrent_queue_content fcqc,fnd_concurrent_programs fcp where fcqv.concurrent_queue_id=fcqc.concurrent_queue_id and fcqc.type_id=fcp.concurrent_program_id and fcp.concurrent_program_name='<PROGRAM_SHORT_NAME>';
Query to find the concurrent program id from concurrent request
select concurrent_program_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&1;
Last 100 execution detail of concurrent program
set linesize 250 col request_date format a15 col requested_start_date format a15 col actual_start_date format a15 col actual_completion_date format a15 col argument_text format a70 col Elapsed format 9999.99 select * from (select a.request_id, a.parent_request_id, DECODE(a.phase_code, 'C','Completed', 'I','Inactive', 'P','Pending', 'R','Running') || ' ' || DECODE(a.status_code, 'A','Waiting', 'B','Resuming', 'C','Normal', 'D','Cancelled', 'E','Error', 'G','Warning', 'H','On Hold', 'I',' Normal', 'M','No Manager', 'P','Scheduled', 'Q','Standby', 'R',' Normal', 'S','Suspended', 'T','Terminating', 'U','Disabled', 'W','Paused', 'X','Terminated', 'Z',' Waiting') "PHASE_STATUS ", a.request_date, a.requested_start_date, a.actual_start_date, a.actual_completion_date, (nvl(actual_completion_date,sysdate) - actual_start_date)*1440 "Elapsed", a.argument_text ,a.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME from apps.FND_CONC_REQ_SUMMARY_V a where a.concurrent_program_id=(select concurrent_program_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=&1) order by a.request_id desc) where rownum < 100;
To find the logfile /outfile/node name for the particular request
SELECT 'LOGFILE_NAME=' || logfile_name FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id = &req / SELECT 'LOGFILE_NODE_NAME=' || logfile_node_name FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id = &req / SELECT 'OUTFILE_NAME=' || outfile_name FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id = &req / SELECT 'OUTFILE_NODE_NAME=' || outfile_node_name FROM fnd_concurrent_requests WHERE request_id = &req
Check ICM is running on what node
select a.concurrent_queue_name,a.target_node , substr(b.os_process_id,0,10) “OS Proc” , b.oracle_process_id “Oracle ID” , b.process_status_code from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues a , apps.fnd_concurrent_processes b where a.concurrent_queue_id=b.concurrent_queue_id and a.concurrent_queue_name=’FNDICM’ and b.process_status_code=’A’ order by b.process_status_code /
Check OS process ID/Target node for CM
Select User_Concurrent_Queue_Name Manager, Q.Target_Node Node, Os_Process_ID from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl Q,apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Processes P where Q.Application_Id = Queue_Application_ID And (Q.Concurrent_Queue_ID = P.Concurrent_Queue_ID);
To know the correct status of the Concurrent request from the back end
The view FND_AMP_REQUESTS_V shows the proper phase and status select request_id, phase, status from fnd_amp_requests_v;
Check the completion text for the concurrent request
select COMPLETION_TEXT from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests where REQUEST_ID=&n;
To Check Actual and Target Processes for Internal Manager
To check the Actual and Target Processes for Standard Manager
To check the invalid objects related to FND
select substr(owner,1, 12) owner, substr(object_type,1,12) type, substr(status,1,8) status, substr(object_name, 1, 25) name from dba_objects where object_name like 'FND_%' and status='INVALID';
Query to check whether any specialization rule defined for any concurrent manager that includes/excludes the concurrent program in question.
select 'Concurrent program '||fcp.concurrent_program_name||' is ' ||decode(fcqc.include_flag,'I','included in ','E','excluded from ')||fcqv.user_concurrent_queue_name specialization_rule_details from fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcqv,fnd_concurrent_queue_content fcqc,fnd_concurrent_programs fcp where fcqv.concurrent_queue_id=fcqc.concurrent_queue_id and fcqc.type_id=fcp.concurrent_program_id and fcp.concurrent_program_name='<PROGRAM_SHORT_NAME>';
Note: Program Short Name is visible when the program is queried in concurrent program definition form.
Query returns ‘no rows selected’ when there are no Include/Exclude specialization rules of Program type for the given concurrent program.
For each manager get the number of pending and running requests in each queue:
col "USER_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME" format a40; SELECT a.USER_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME,a.MAX_PROCESSES, sum(decode(b.PHASE_CODE,'P',decode(b.STATUS_CODE,'Q',1,0),0)) Pending_Standby, sum(decode(b.PHASE_CODE,'P',decode(b.STATUS_CODE,'I',1,0),0)) Pending_Normal, sum(decode(b.PHASE_CODE,'R',decode(b.STATUS_CODE,'R',1,0),0)) Running_Normal FROM FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES_VL a, FND_CONCURRENT_WORKER_REQUESTS b where a.concurrent_queue_id = b.concurrent_queue_id AND b.Requested_Start_Date<=SYSDATE GROUP BY a.USER_CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME,a.MAX_PROCESSES
To Get Long Running Concurrent Programs:
SELECT fcr.oracle_session_id ,fcr.request_id rqst_id ,fcr.requested_by rqst_by ,fu.user_name ,fr.responsibility_name ,fcr.concurrent_program_id cp_id ,fcp.user_concurrent_program_name cp_name ,TO_CHAR (fcr.actual_start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')act_start_datetime ,DECODE (fcr.status_code, 'R', 'R:Running', fcr.status_code) status ,ROUND (((SYSDATE - fcr.actual_start_date) * 60 * 24), 2) runtime_min ,ROUND (((SYSDATE - fcr.actual_start_date) * 60 * 60 * 24), 2)runtime_sec ,fcr.oracle_process_id "oracle_pid/SPID" ,fcr.os_process_id os_pid ,fcr.argument_text ,fcr.outfile_name ,fcr.logfile_name ,fcr.enable_trace FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr ,apps.fnd_user fu ,apps.fnd_responsibility_tl fr ,apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcp WHERE fcr.status_code LIKE 'R' AND fu.user_id = fcr.requested_by AND fr.responsibility_id = fcr.responsibility_id AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id AND fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id AND ROUND (((SYSDATE - fcr.actual_start_date) * 60 * 24), 2) > 60 ORDER BY fcr.concurrent_program_id ,request_id DESC;
Checking the incompatibilities between the programs/query to find incompatible program of a concurrent
The below query can be used to find all incompatibilities in an application instance.
SELECT a2.application_name, a1.user_concurrent_program_name, DECODE (running_type, 'P', 'Program', 'S', 'Request set', 'UNKNOWN' ) "Type", b2.application_name "Incompatible App", b1.user_concurrent_program_name "Incompatible_Prog", DECODE (to_run_type, 'P', 'Program', 'S', 'Request set', 'UNKNOWN' ) incompatible_type FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_program_serial cps, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl a1, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl b1, apps.fnd_application_tl a2, apps.fnd_application_tl b2 WHERE a1.application_id = cps.running_application_id AND a1.concurrent_program_id = cps.running_concurrent_program_id AND a2.application_id = cps.running_application_id AND b1.application_id = cps.to_run_application_id AND b1.concurrent_program_id = cps.to_run_concurrent_program_id AND b2.application_id = cps.to_run_application_id AND a1.language = 'US' AND a2.language = 'US' AND b1.language = 'US' AND b2.language = 'US' ;
Cancelling Concurrent request/update concurrent request status from backend
--By request id update fnd_concurrent_requests set status_code='D', phase_code='C' where request_id=&reqid; --By program_id update fnd_concurrent_requests set status_code='D', phase_code='C' where CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID=&prgid;
How to submit a concurrent program using the CONCSUB utility from the operating system
CONCSUB / \ [WAIT=N|Y|] \ CONCURRENT \ [PROGRAM_NAME=] \ [ORG_ID=<#>] - R12 onwards only [REPEAT_TIME=] \ [REPEAT_INTERVAL= ] \ [REPEAT_INTERVAL_UNIT=< resubmission unit>] \ [REPEAT_INTERVAL_TYPE=< resubmission type>] \ [REPEAT_END=] \ [START=] \ [IMPLICIT=< type of concurrent request> \ [ ... ]
how to enable trace for a running concurrent request
First Find the sid and serial# using below queries
select s.inst_id, fcr.request_id, fv.requestor, fv.Program cmgr_job,
p.USERNAME p_user,
to_char(s.logon_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS') Logon_Time,
from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
gv$session s,
gv$process p
where fcr.request_id = &request_id
and p.SPID = fcr.oracle_process_id
and s.process = fcr.OS_PROCESS_ID
and s.inst_id = p.inst_id
and p.addr = s.paddr
and fv.request_id = fcr.request_id
For Non-RAC, the above and below can be used
select s.sid , s.serial# ,p.spid from fnd_concurrent_requests f,v$session s , v$process p where f.request_id = and f.oracle_process_id = p.spid and p.addr = s.paddr
Enable Trace
EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.SET_EV(&sid , &serial,10046, 12 ,'');
Check the Trace file
Log on to the DB Tier …. Check for the trace file <instance name>_ora_<SPID>.trc
Find the scheduled concurrent requests:
SELECT cr.request_id,
DECODE (cp.user_concurrent_program_name,
'Report Set', 'Report Set:' || cr.description,
argument_text, cr.resubmit_interval,
NVL2 (cr.resubmit_interval,
NVL2 (cr.release_class_id, 'ON SPECIFIC DAYS', 'ONCE')
) schedule_type,
DECODE (NVL2 (cr.resubmit_interval,
NVL2 (cr.release_class_id, 'ON SPECIFIC DAYS', 'ONCE')
|| cr.resubmit_interval
|| ' '
|| cr.resubmit_interval_unit_code
|| ' FROM '
|| cr.resubmit_interval_type_code
|| ' OF PREV RUN',
'ONCE', 'AT :'
|| TO_CHAR (cr.requested_start_date, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI'),
'EVERY: ' || fcr.class_info
) schedule,
fu.user_name, requested_start_date
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl cp,
apps.fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
apps.fnd_user fu,
apps.fnd_conc_release_classes fcr
WHERE cp.application_id = cr.program_application_id
AND cp.concurrent_program_id = cr.concurrent_program_id
AND cr.requested_by = fu.user_id
AND cr.phase_code = 'P'
AND cr.requested_start_date > SYSDATE
AND fcr.release_class_id(+) = cr.release_class_id
AND fcr.application_id(+) = cr.release_class_app_id;
History of concurrent requests which are error out in last 2 days
SELECT a.request_id "Req Id"
, actual_start_date
, actual_completion_date
,c.concurrent_program_name || ': ' || ctl.user_concurrent_program_name "program"
FROM APPLSYS.fnd_Concurrent_requests a,APPLSYS.fnd_concurrent_processes b
,applsys.fnd_concurrent_queues q
,APPLSYS.fnd_concurrent_programs c
,APPLSYS.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl ctl
WHERE a.controlling_manager = b.concurrent_process_id
AND a.concurrent_program_id = c.concurrent_program_id
AND a.program_application_id = c.application_id
AND a.status_code = 'E'
AND a.phase_code = 'C'
AND actual_start_date > sysdate - 2
AND b.queue_application_id = q.application_id
AND b.concurrent_queue_id = q.concurrent_queue_id
AND ctl.concurrent_program_id = c.concurrent_program_id
query to check trace enabled for concurrent program
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Oracle Concurrent Manager :How an E-Business Suite Concurrent Manager Process Works,Oracle Concurrent Manager,What is internal monitor,What is service manager and troubleshooting
Concurrent Request Phase and status :All information about Concurrent Request Phase and Status .The meaning derived for each combination .
Core files in Oracle Concurrent manager :his page contains description about core file for oracle concurrent manager.Core file can be used to debug various issues in CM
Priority for concurrent Program : This post has detailed description about changing Priority for Concurrent Program or user or request to solve user critical report running issues
Concurrent Manager Interview questions :Check out 24 Concurrent Manager Interview questions to help you in EBS interview. This consists of all sort of question on standard manager,service manager
Parallel Concurrent Processing: What is PCP, How to setup it, how to define internal monitor
ORA-01427 :Check out this for the solution on ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row error ,how to resolve it when it happens with Concurrent Manager
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