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How To Backup Database To Cloud Object Storage Using DBCLI


  • We have automatic backup in DBCS which is managed by Oracle. The customer does not have any control over the bucket and we dont have enough flexibility.
  • we can schedule the custom backup using dbcli to our bucket in our tenancy
  • This will give more control over the backup and we can do replication to another region also for that bucket

High-Level steps

  • Create an object store on the DB system by using the dbcli create-objectstoreswift command.
  • Create a backup configuration that refers to the object store ID and the bucket name by using the dbcli create-backupconfig command.
  • Associate the backup configuration with the database by using the dbcli update-database command.
  • create the db backup

Steps to Backup Database To Cloud Object Storage Using DBCLI

Create the object store on the DB system

We need the information below before we create an object store

  • Bucket Name
  • Object Storage Namespace
  • User have full privs on the bucket
  • Authtoken for the user

Login to the server as OPC and sudo to root

dbcli create-objectstoreswift -n <object_store_name> -t <object_storage_namespace> -u <user_name> -e https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name>.oraclecloud.com/v1 -p [-h] [-j]

This will prompt for the auth token and a job will be submitted to create the object store

Once the job is completed, you should be able to see the object store on DB system

dbcli list-objectstoreswifts

Create a backup configuration

Create the backup configuration

dbcli create-backupconfig -d {DISK|OBJECTSTORE|NONE} -c <bucket>  -o <object_store_swift_id> -on <object_store_swift_name> -w <n> -n <name> [-cr|-no-cr] [-h] [-j]

A job will be submitted. Once the Job is completed, You should be able to see the backup config

dbcli list-backupconfigs

Associate the backup configuration with the database

See also  How to transfer statistics between databases in Oracle

Do and note down the Database ID

dbcli list-databases

Now attach the backup config to the database id

dbcli update-database  --backupconfigid <BackupConfig_ID> --dbid <dbid>

Create the DB backup

dbcli create-backup -in <db_name> -i <db_id> [-bt {Regular-L0|Regular-L1|Longterm|ArchiveLog}] [-c {Database|TdeWallet}] [-k <n>] [-t <tag>] [-h] [-j]


dbcli create-backup -i <dbid>  -bt Regular-L0
dbcli create-backup -i <dbid>  -bt longterm -k 366 


By following these steps, you can set up a Backup on Oracle Database Cloud Service using DBCLI, providing a reliable and efficient way to handle your database backups in the cloud. Remember to regularly review and adjust your backup strategy to align with your evolving data protection needs.

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