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How to install Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module

Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module

  • Oracle Database Backup Cloud module allows to backup of on-premise or cloud-deployed Oracle databases to the Oracle Database Backup Service (Oracle’s cloud storage) destination.
  • Database backups may be performed from a database located at the customer’s data centre or cloud-deployed databases.
  • Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module is part of the Oracle Database Backup Service product family.

How to download the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module

Download the Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module from Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

Accept the license agreement, click All Supported Platforms, and provide your OTN username and password when prompted. Then download the ZIP file that contains the installer (opc_installer.zip) to your system.

Extract the contents of the zip file.
The file contains two directories, oci_installer and opc_installer, and a README file.

What are the differences between the oci_installer and opc_installer?

The legacy opc_installer uses password-based authentication and Swift APIs. This module could be used to backup to OCI through the Swift-compatible interface. To take advantage of the more robust key-based authentication available in OCI and to support future enhancement a new installer module has been developed that will use the OCI native APIs.

Both installer modules are available from the same OTN download page.

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How to install opc_installer

We need to have the below information before the installation

Database backup Bucket Name
opc username and authtoken


1. Unzip the opc_installer.zip in a directory

2. Create directory /home/oracle/backup/hsbtwallet and /home/oracle/backup/lib

3. cd to the location where opc_install.jar is present

4. Run the below command to install the backup module

java -jar opc_install.jar -opcId <opc user> -opcPass '<auth token>' -container <bucket name> -walletDir /home/oracle/backup/hsbtwallet -libDir /home/oracle/backup/lib/ -configfile /home/oracle/backup/config -host https://swiftobjectstorage.<region_name>.oraclecloud.com/v1/<object_storage_namespace>

You will see the completion output like below

Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Install Tool, build
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module credentials are valid.
Backups would be sent to container backup_bucket.
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module wallet created in directory /home/oracle/backup/hsbtwallet.
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module initialization file /home/oracle/backup/config created.
Downloading Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Software Library from file opc_linux64.zip.
Download complete.

How to install oci_installer

We need to have the below information before the installation

-Database backup Bucket Name
-pvtKeyFile : User Private Key
-pubFingerPrint: User public Fingerprint
-uOCID :user ocid
-tOCID: tenancy OCID


1. Unzip the opc_installer.zip in a directory

2. Create directory /home/oracle/backup/hsbtwallet and /home/oracle/backup/lib

3. cd to the location where oci_install.jar is present

4. Run the below command to install the backup module

java -jar oci_install.jar
-host https://objectstorage.<region_name>.oraclecloud.com
-pvtKeyFile oci_private_key -pubFingerPrint oci_public_fingerprint
-uOCID user_ocid -tOCID tenancy_ocid
-walletDir /home/oracle/backup/hsbtwallet -libDir /home/oracle/backup/lib

You will see the below output on completion

Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Install Tool, build
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module credentials are valid.
Backups would be sent to bucket .
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module wallet created in directory /home/oracle/backup.
Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module initialization file /home/oracle/backup/opc.ora created.
Downloading Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module Software Library from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Download complete.

How to configure Oracle Database to backup to object storage

Connect to the database using RMAN.
rman target /

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Configure RMAN to use the SBT device and point to the config file that was created when you installed the backup module.

RMAN> CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE 'SBT_TAPE' PARMS 'SBT_LIBRARY=/home/oracle/backup/libopc.so, SBT_PARMS=(OPC_PFILE=/home/oracle/backup/config)';

Now the backup configuration is ready.

Key Features and Characteristics:

(1) Cloud Integration: The module enables RMAN to directly interface with Oracle Cloud, allowing databases to be backed up to the cloud as if it were just another storage device.

(2) Encryption and Compression: It supports encryption and compression of backup data before it is transferred to the cloud, enhancing security and reducing bandwidth and storage requirements.

(3) RMAN Integration: Being fully integrated with RMAN, it allows database administrators to continue using familiar RMAN commands for backup and recovery operations.

(4) Efficiency: The module is designed to be efficient in terms of network bandwidth usage, which is crucial for cloud backups.

(5) Scalability: Cloud storage offers high scalability, making it easier to manage growing data backup needs without worrying about on-premises storage limitations.

(6) Cost-Effective: Using cloud storage for backups can be cost-effective, especially for organizations that require off-site backups but do not wish to invest in additional physical infrastructure.

(7) Security: Backups can be encrypted using RMAN encryption features, ensuring data security during transmission and while stored in the cloud.

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