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Query to find full table scans in Oracle

Many times the performance of the database will be slow. We need to first find out if any big table full table scan is going on.

Let’s first check out what is Full table scan and then We will see the query to find full table scans in Oracle

What is a Full Table Scan in Oracle

Query to find full table scans in oracle
  • Full table scan is one of the access methods used by Optimizer. In this, All blocks in the table (up to HWM) are scanned and the WHERE clause filter conditions are applied, and rows that satisfy the filter condition are returned. Explain plan will show like this
Execution Plan
  • Full table scan scanned the table using multiple block reads. Multiple blocks scanned for each IO –> less IO operations are made
  • db_multiblock_read_count init.ora parameter decides the multiblock count. Recent version, oracle itself adjusts this parameter as per the System and you dont need to define it
  • What is HWM – High Water Mark: It is the limit that separates the blocks that contain or have contained data from the blocks that have never been inserted. The number of blocks below the HWM can be obtained through the blocks column of the dba_tables view

Query to find full table scans in Oracle

col event format a25
col module format a50
col File format 9999
col Block format 9999999
set lines 130
set trimspool on
select sessw.SID, sessw.EVENT, sessw.p1 "File",sessw.p2 "Block", s.MODULE
from v$session_wait sessw, v$session sess
where sessw.sid = sess.sid
and sessw.event like '%scattered%'
order by 1

The above query will report any current full table scan going into the database. You can find the table name from the below query

select segment_name
from dba_extents
where file_id = &fileid
and &block between block_id and block_id + blocks - 1

If you want to see the history of all the current sessions in the database for a full table scan, we can use the below query

column user_process heading "Name |SID" format a20;
column long_scans heading "Long Scans" format 999,999,999;
column short_scans heading "Short Scans" format 999,999,999;
column rows_retreived heading "Rows Retrieved" format 999,999,999;
set linesize 1000
set timing on
select ss.username||'('||se.sid||') ' "USER_PROCESS",
sum(decode(name,'table scans (short tables)',value)) "SHORT_SCANS",
sum(decode(name,'table scans (long tables)', value)) "LONG_SCANS",
sum(decode(name,'table scan rows gotten',value)) "ROWS_RETRIEVED"
from v$session ss, v$sesstat se, v$statname sn
where se.statistic# = sn.statistic#
and (name like '%table scans (short tables)%'
or name like '%table scans (long tables)%'
or name like '%table scan rows gotten%' )
and se.sid = ss.sid
and ss.username is not null
group by ss.username||'('||se.sid||') '
order by LONG_SCANS desc

If you want to find all the sql cached in the Library cache for the Full table scan statement

select sql_id,object_owner,object_name from V$SQL_PLAN where
operation='TABLE ACCESS' and
options='FULL' and
object_owner <> 'SYS';

You can get the full text from sql_id using the below query

SELECT sql_text, parsing_schema_name, module
FROM v$sql
WHERE sql_id = '&1'

How to Avoid Full Table Scan in Oracle

A full table scan is not a necessary evil. Oracle optimizer chooses the plan based on data points. If it has chosen a full data scan, then it has certainly found it good. Also Quite often index scan might not be good for the query and it is more costly than a full table scan. So we need to analyze thoroughly before taking any decision on a Full table scan

See also  How to create sql baseline from cursor cache in Oracle

Following are some of the things to check
(a) Stale Optimizer statistics: Please check if the optimizer stats available on the tables are current and do not differ much from the actual data
(b) Check indexes and index clustering factor: You might be missing the right indexes
(c) The query might be using parallel clauses and so choosing a Full table scan as the optimal plan
(d) Incorrect parameter settings for Optimizer_mode,optimizer_index_cost_adj, optimizer_index_caching

Sometimes running sql tuning adviser on the query helps

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