Statistics can become stale when the data in the table changes substantially. Up-to-date statistics are important to generate good execution plans
How does Oracle decide if the stats have become stale
Stats are considered stale when #(INSERTS + UPDATES + DELETES) >= 10% of NUM_ROWS from dba_tables:
The parameter setting required to Track the table changes
- Prior to Oracle 10g, the automated collection of statistics for objects that had become stale was controlled by the setting of the MONITORING flag on the table.
- Depending on the MONITORING flag, the GATHER_STATS_JOB job collected “GATHER EMPTY” and “GATHER STALE” on the flagged objects.
- In 10g the MONITORING and NOMONITORING keywords are deprecated and will be ignored. Table-monitoring feature is now controlled by the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter.
- When STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to BASIC, monitoring is disabled on the table.
- When STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to TYPICAL, then monitoring is enabled.
- By default STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to TYPICAL and monitoring of tables is enabled. It is strongly recommended to set STATISTICS_LEVEL to TYPICAL in 10g and above
- By setting this parameter, Oracle tracks the approximate number of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations for the oracle table since the last time statistics were gathered. This information on “changes made” is maintained in the SGA and periodically (about every 15 minutes) the SMON flushes the data into the data dictionary tables. You can manually flush the information by calling dbms_stats.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO(). The data dictionary information is made visible through the views: DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS, ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS, and USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.
- Oracle uses these views to identify tables that have stale statistics.
- Whenever there is a 10% change in data in a table, Oracle considers its statistics to be stale.
How to check Stale statistics in Oracle
The below PLSQL procedure or sql query finds out all the tables in the SCOTT schema which is stale stats
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL> DECLARE ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab; BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(ownname=>'SCOTT', objlist=>ObjList, options=>'LIST STALE'); FOR k in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(k).ownname || '.' || ObjList(k).ObjName || ' ' || ObjList(k).ObjType || ' ' || ObjList(k).partname); END LOOP; END; / or select table_name,owner from dba_tab_statistics where stale_stats = 'YES' or stale_stats is null and owner='SCOTT';
The below sql can also be used to find out inserts, updates, deletes
select u.TIMESTAMP, t.last_analyzed, u.table_name, u.inserts, u.updates, u.deletes, d.num_rows, decode(d.num_rows,0,'Table Stats indicate No Rows', nvl(TO_CHAR(((U.inserts+u.deletes+u.updates)/d.num_rows) * 100,'999.99') ,'Null Value in USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS') ) percent from user_tables t,USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS u,dba_tables d where u.table_name = t.table_name and d.table_name = t.table_name and d.owner = '&Owner' and (u.inserts > 3000 or u.updates > 3000 or u.deletes > 3000) order by t.last_analyzed /
If you want to run this on the whole database
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL> DECLARE ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab; BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS(objlist=>ObjList, options=>'LIST STALE'); FOR k in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(k).ownname || '.' || ObjList(k).ObjName || ' ' || ObjList(k).ObjType || ' ' || ObjList(k).partname); END LOOP; END; / or select table_name,owner from dba_tab_statistics where stale_stats = 'YES' or stale_stats is null;
If you want to see the tables where statistics are empty, we can use them below
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SQL> DECLARE ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab; BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS(objlist=>ObjList, options=>'LIST EMPTY'); FOR k in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(k).ownname || '.' || ObjList(k).ObjName || ' ' || ObjList(k).ObjType || ' ' || ObjList(k).partname); END LOOP; END; / or select table_name,owner from dba_tab_statistics where stale_stats is null;
Now once you find the tables list, you can generate statistics on these tables.
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('OWNER', 'TABLE_NAME');
We can also run the below command to generate stats on all the stale objects in the schema
exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname => '<schema name>', cascade => TRUE, options => 'GATHER AUTO');
Starting with Oracle11g, the staleness threshold can be set using the STALE_PERCENT statistics preference. This can be set globally using DBMS_STATS.SET_GLOBAL_PREFS or at the table level using DBMS_STATS.SET_TABLE_PREFS.
How to check stale statistics manually
Check the stats of the table
select owner, table_name, num_rows,blocks, empty_blocks, avg_space, chain_cnt, avg_row_len from dba_tables where table_name = '<table name>' ;
Compare the statistical data with real data in the table
select count(1) from TABLE_NAME
Check the stats for partition:
select owner, table_name, partition_name, subpartition_name, num_rows,blocks,empty_blocks,avg_space,chain_cnt,avg_row_len, stale_stats from dba_tab_statistics where table_name = '<table name>' and partition_name = '<partition name>';
Compare the statistical data with real data in the table, such as
select count(1) from TABLE_NAME partition (PARTITION_NAME);
Check the stats of the columns:
select owner,table_name,column_name,num_distinct,low_value,high_value,num_nulls,num_buckets,last_analyzed from dba_tab_cols where table_name = '<table name>'; select * from dba_tab_col_statistics where table_name = '<table name>'; select * from dba_tab_columns where table_name = '<table name>';
Compare the statistical data with real data in the table, such as
select distinct(COLUMN_NAME) FROM TABLE_NAME ;
Hope you like this content on How to check Stale statistics in Oracle
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Both the above queries are not running ..
It was working for me and that is the reason ,I pasted on blog. Please let me know the errors you are getting, then i can fix it.
ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab;
bjList, options=>’LIST STALE’);
5 FOR k in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST
6 7 dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(i).ownname ||’.’|| ObjList(k).ObjName ||
” || ObjList(k).ObjType ||”|| ObjList(k).partname);
9 END;
10 /
dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(i).ownname ||’.’|| ObjList(k).ObjName || ” || ObjL
ist(k).ObjType ||”|| ObjList(k).partname);
ERROR at line 7:
ORA-06550: line 7, column 30:
PLS-00201: identifier ‘I’ must be declared
ORA-06550: line 7, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
SQL> select u.TIMESTAMP,
2 3 u.table_name,
4 u.inserts,
5 u.updates,
6 u.deletes,
7 d.num_rows,
8 decode(num_rows,0,’Table Stats indicate No Rows’,
9 nvl(TO_CHAR(((U.inserts+u.deletes+u.updates)/d.num_rows) * 100,’999.99′)
11 ) percent
12 from user_tables t,USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS u,dba_tables d
13 where u.table_name = t.table_name
14 and d.table_name = t.table_name
15 and d.owner = ‘SYSTEM’
16 and (u.inserts > 3000 or u.updates > 3000 or u.deletes > 3000)
17 order by t.last_analyzed
18 /
decode(num_rows,0,’Table Stats indicate No Rows’,
ERROR at line 8:
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
Thank you for giving attention..
Thanks for replying back. I have corrected the sql in the post. Please retry and let me know if that works
ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab;
SQL> 2 3 4 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(ownname=>’SYSTEM’, objlist=>ObjList, options=>’LIST STALE’);
5 FOR k in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST
6 7 dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(i).ownname ||’.’|| ObjList(k).ObjName || ” || ObjList(k).ObjType ||”|| ObjList(k).partname);
9 END;
10 /
dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(i).ownname ||’.’|| ObjList(k).ObjName || ” || ObjList(k).ObjType ||”|| ObjList(k).partname);
ERROR at line 7:
ORA-06550: line 7, column 30:
PLS-00201: identifier ‘I’ must be declared
ORA-06550: line 7, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
SQL> select u.TIMESTAMP,
2 3 u.table_name,
4 u.inserts,
5 u.updates,
6 u.deletes,
7 d.num_rows,
8 decode(num_rows,0,’Table Stats indicate No Rows’,
9 nvl(TO_CHAR(((U.inserts+u.deletes+u.updates)/d.num_rows) * 100,’999.99′)
11 ) percent
12 from user_tables t,USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS u,dba_tables d
13 where u.table_name = t.table_name
14 and d.table_name = t.table_name
15 and d.owner = ‘SYSTEM’
16 and (u.inserts > 3000 or u.updates > 3000 or u.deletes > 3000)
17 order by t.last_analyzed
18 /
decode(num_rows,0,’Table Stats indicate No Rows’,
ERROR at line 8:
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
Where you have corrected the queries .. I am getting the same error code that you have mention on the main page. Nothing showing on the reply.. So, I thing main code on page is same. Please update it.
2nd query is fine but 1st one giving error now..
ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab;
4 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(ownname=>’SYSTEM’, objlist=>ObjList, options=>’LIST STALE’);
5 FOR k in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST
7 dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(k).ownname || ‘.’ || ObjList(k).ObjName || ‘ ‘ || ObjList(k).ObjType || ‘ ‘ || ObjList(k).partname);
9 END;
10 /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at line 5
hi Ganesh
Please use on some other schema where stats is already generated.