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MySQL Auto Increment and reset

Auto Increment Column is a quite common requirement in the coding. Here are some of the ways to get that in MySQL . we will also check about MySQL Auto Increment reset

Auto Increment Column MySQL database

The AUTO_INCREMENT attribute can be used to generate a unique identity for new rows


use techdb;
CREATE TABLE test_lab (
name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
) ;

INSERT INTO test_lab (name) VALUES

SELECT * FROM test_lab;

Few important points to remember

  • We can have only one auto increment column in the table
  • if you delete the row from the table, the auto increment will not reuse that value
  • it is possible to add an auto increment column after table creation

How to find the next auto increment value id in MySQL

We can determine using the below query

FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = "yourDatabaseName"
AND TABLE_NAME = "yourTableName"

For our case, it will be like


MySQL auto increment reset

We can reset the auto increment with a certain condition

Here is the syntax to reset the auto increment value

ALTER TABLE table_name AUTO_INCREMENT = value;

It is just the table name, as only one column is allowed to be auto increment

If the value, you are going to reset is higher than the current value of Autoincrement, then the next sequence starts with the value given

MySQL Auto Increment reset

If the specified is less or equal to the maximum value of the auto-increment column, the value will be reset to the current maximum plus one.

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MySQL Auto Increment reset

If they delete the highest number, then again holds true

MySQL Auto Increment reset

Hope you like this post on setting up Auto Increment , MySQL Auto Increment reset, How to find the next auto increment value id in MySQL

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