INSERT statement in oracle is a DML ( Data Manipulation Language) command. It is used to insert new rows into the oracle tables in the oracle database
SyntaxINSERT INTO <table_name>
(col1, col2, ... column_n )
(value1, value2, ... value_n );
table_name: Table where new records need to be inserted
col1,col2: is the column in the tables
value1,value2….: are the values corresponding to col1,col2 …in the table
Only one row is inserted with this syntax in the table
Suppose you want to enter records in the EMP table, then
insert into emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,first_name,last_name,salary)
values ('101','JOHN', 10,'JOHN' ,'ROGER', 3000);
Important Note
- It is not necessary to give column names in-case you are specifying the values in the correct order and value for each column in the table is provided
- It is recommended to put single quotation marks around character values.
How to insert Null values into table
In case we are putting null values for the few columns, we can omit the columns in the insert command
insert into emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,salary)
values ('101','JOHN', 10, 3000);
Insert using Select statement
We can insert into the table using select statement also
INSERT INTO <table_name>
(col1, col2, ... column_n ) select col1, col2, ... column_n from < table_name2>
This method can be used to insert into multiple rows
- We do not need to use values clause here
- We need to match the column in the insert to the select query to make it work
- It is not necessary to give column names in-case you are specifying the values in the correct order and value for each column in the table is provided
Example insert into emp_master (emp_id ,salary) select emp_id ,salary from emp; INSERT INTO emp_master (emp_id ,salary) WITH sal AS ( SELECT 201,5000 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 201, 10000 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 204, 10004 FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 7, 5675476 FROM dual ) SELECT * FROM sal;
Insert date function in the table
Suppose we have an oracle date datatype column in the table, then we can use the sysdate function to enter the date in the insert statement
insert into emp (emp_id,emp_name,salary,hire_date) values ( '10','JOHN',1000, sysdate); insert into emp (emp_id,emp_name,salary,hire_date) values ( '10','JOHN',1000, sysdate -1);
Or if we need to need to specify the specific date, we can use the standard format for the date ‘DD-MON-YYYY’.With this time default to midnight
insert into emp (emp_id,emp_name,salary,hire_date) values ( '10','JOHN',1000, '18-AUG-2018');
or if we need to enter data in a different format with some time, we can use the to_date function
insert into emp (emp_id,emp_name,salary,hire_date) values ( '10','JOHN',1000, TO_DATE('2018/08/18 01:02:44', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'));
Oracle insert all statement
Oracle insert all statement helps us add multiple rows in the table in one go , or we can add multiple rows in different tables with the same insert statement
Syntax for One table
<table_name> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
<table_name> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
<table_name> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
Syntax for Multiple tables
<table_name1> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
<table_name2> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
<table_name3> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
This is equivalent to
INSERT INTO <table_name> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n );
INSERT INTO <table_name> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
INSERT INTO <table_name> (col1, col2, ... column_n ) VALUES (value1, value2, ... value_n )
insert all into
emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,first_name,last_name,salary) values ('101','JOHN', 10,'JOHN' ,'ROGER', 2000)
emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,first_name,last_name,salary) values ('102','SMITH', 10,'JOHN' ,'ROGER', 3000)
emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,first_name,last_name,salary) values ('103','BILL', 10,'JOHN' ,'ROGER', 4000)
insert all into
emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,first_name,last_name,salary) values ('101','JOHN', 10,'JOHN' ,'ROGER', 2000)
dept (dept_no, dept_name,dept_location) values ('20','BILLING', 'NEWYORK)
emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,first_name,last_name,salary) values ('103','BILL', 10,'JOHN' ,'ROGER', 4000)
insert all statements can also be used in the below manner
insert all INTO emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,salary) values (id,name, dept_no, sal) INTO dept (dept_no, dept_name,dept_location) values (dept_no,dept_name,location) WITH names AS ( SELECT 4 id, 'John' name,10 dept_no,'LABOUR' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 45000 sal FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 5 id, 'Mac' name,20 dept_no,'FIRE' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 567000 sal FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 6 id, 'Ruth' name,30 dept_no,'HEALTH' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 5600 sal FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 8 id, 'bill' name,40 dept_no,'WATER' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 158750 sal FROM dual ) SELECT * FROM names ;
It is possible to use conditional statements in insert all statement
insert all WHEN 1=1 THEN INTO emp (emp_id, emp_name,dept_id,salary) values (id,name, dept_no, sal) WHEN dept_no IS NOT NULL THEN dept (dept_no, dept_name,dept_location) values (dept_no,dept_name,location) WITH names AS ( SELECT 4 id, 'John' name,10 dept_no,'LABOUR' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 45000 sal FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 5 id, 'Mac' name,20 dept_no,'FIRE' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 567000 sal FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 6 id, 'Ruth' name,30 dept_no,'HEALTH' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 5600 sal FROM dual UNION ALL SELECT 8 id, 'bill' name,40 dept_no,'WATER' dept_name,'INDIA' location, 158750 sal FROM dual SELECT 9 id, 'July' name,NULL dept_no,NULL dept_name,NULL location, 158750 sal FROM dual ) SELECT * FROM names ;
I hope you like this content on the insert statement in oracle. I have explained various ways in which inserts can be performed in the tables with ample examples.
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Oracle documentation on insert