This Online Oracle quiz test check the understanding on various topics on Oracle sql like Delete ,truncate, constraints, drop ,select,insert, Joins, outer join, Natural join ,indexes , profiles,Dictionary views, many more
The below test is randomized Oracle Quiz and select 15 questions from the set of many questions,so each time you try to attempt it, you will get different questions in different order and option would also be in different order, So it will be fun practicing with this tool. You can try as many times as you want till you feel comfortable about it. I will keep updating the set of questions to make you feel competitive and comfortable with Oracle
Instructions for online test
1.This quiz consists of 15 questions .It is recommended to complete the test in 30 min
2. It consists both single choice and more than one choice questions to test your knowledge
3. You can press the submit button at the end of your test and get the final score
4.You will also get the know the correct choice after you finished the test.
I hope you like this Oracle MCQ quiz and it helps in your examination preparation. Best of Luck for the Oracle certification Examination. Please do provide feedback on it. We will also be adding more quizzes and questions in future.
Happy Learning!!!!
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