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srvctl commands in Oracle

srvctl commands is an important tool to manage the Oracle database in the RAC environment and Oracle restarts env(Single node env with ASM). This can be used to stop, start, find status, and other things in the cluster or the server. Let’s review those command

srvctl commands

srvctl is a utility in $ORACLE_HOME/bin and it has various options. You can find all the options using the below command

srvctl -help

This can be used to list databases, config databases, check the status of the database and many others.

srvctl config database

srvctl config database is the command to list all the databases registered in the Oracle RAC cluster or Oracle restart environment. There is no such command as srvctl list databases. It is the srvctl config database command

srvctl config database
srvctl config database

If you want to see the detailed configuration for a particular database, then the command is

srvctl config database  -d <db name> -a
srvctl config database -d  TESTDB -a

srvctl start database

srvctl start database is used to start the database. Here is the full command line

srvctl start database -d <db name> 
srvctl start database -d TESTDB

srvctl start instance

In the previous command, it will start all the instances of the database, If you want to start a particular instance, then we can use the below command

srvctl start  instance -d <db name> -i <instance name>
srvctl start instance  - d TESTDB -i TESTDB1

srvctl stop database

srvctl stop database is used to stop the database. Here is the full command line

srvctl stop database -d <db name>
srvctl stop database -d TESTDB

It is also possible to use the options for stopping like this

srvctl stop database -d TESTDB -i normal
srvctl stop database -d TESTDB -i abort
srvctl stop database -d TESTDB -immediate

srvctl stop instance

In the previous command, it will stop all the instances of the database, If you want to stop a particular instance, then we can use the below command

srvctl stop  instance -d <db name> -i <instance name>
srvctl stop instance  - d TESTDB -i TESTDB1

srvctl status database

srvctl status database is used to check the status of the database. It will show the status of all the instances of an Oracle RAC and the status of an instance of the Non -RAC

srvctl status database -d <db name>
srvctl status database -d TESTDB

If you want to see more information, you can add -verbose to it

srvctl status database -d <db name> -verbose
srvctl status database -d TESTDB -verbose

srvctl add database

This command can be used to add a database in the srvctl registry

srvctl add database -d < db unique name>  -o <oracle home location> -p <spfile location> -db <db name
srvcrtl add database -d TESTDG -i /u01/ap/product/db_home1 -p +DATA/TESTDG/parameterfile/spfileTESETDG.ora

srvctl add instance

This command is used to add an instance after adding a database

srvctl add instance -d < db  name>  -i <instance name> -n <node name>
srvctl add instance -d TESTDB -i TESTDG1 -i technode1
srvctl add instance -d TESTDB -i TESTDG2 -i technode2

In the case of Non-RAC, we can remove option the node option

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srvctl remove database

we can remove the database using the below command

srvctl remove database -d <db name> -f -y
srvctl remove database -d TESTDG -f -y

srvctl remove instance

If you want to just remove one instance, we can use the below command

srvctl remove instance -d <db name> - i <instance name>

srvctl upgrade database

This command will be helpful for upgrading the Clusterware keys for the DB

Suppose you manually upgraded the database from 12c to 19c and now you want to modify entries in srvctl, then use this command to upgrade in srvctl

You need to run this command from the New Oracle home

srvctl upgrade  database  -d <db name> - o <old oracle home>

Hope you like this post on srvctl commands

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