grep command Means – globally search regular expression. It is very useful while searching for strings in Unix and Linux operating system. Here we would be taking a look on grep command in Unix with examples,Linux grep examples,grep command options,egrep command in Unix
(1) To find all uses of the word “top” (in any case) in the multiples file like x*, and write with line numbers(“grep -n”)
grep -i -n top x*
(2) search ‘tmpfile’ for ‘CAT’ anywhere in a line
grep CAT tmpfile
(3) grep case insensitive search. By default grep command is case sensitive. You can use the option “grep -i” to make it case insensitive.
grep -i Ten test.txt
(4) find ‘run time’ or ‘run-time’ in all txt in file.txt
grep run[- ]time *.txt
(5) pipe who to grep, look for applmgr
who | grep applmgr
(6) grep recursive option(“grep -r”). Its searches for oracle string in current directory files and all the files in a subdirectory
grep -r "oracle" *
(7) Grep exclude option (“grep -v”) . We can use grep -v to exclude the search item. It will not show the lines which have oracle string in it
ps -ef|grep -v oracle
(8) We can use the “grep -w” option for searching the specific work, not the sub-string. The below example searches adpatch.log for word failure in any case
grep -w failure adpatch.log
(9) You can search multiple words in a file using “grep -e”
(17) line starts with “.” and 2 lower case letters} letters
grep '^\.[a-z][a-z]'
egrep command in Unix
If you want to search multiple words in the same grep command, then use the egrep command in UNIX It searches all the three words in the file
egrep 'cat|bad|sat' file.txt
It discarded all the lines having any of these three words from the output of ps -ef
ps -ef| egrep -v 'cat|bad|sat' :
grep with pipe command
pipe command in Linux lets u input the output of one command to the other command.
ps -ef|grep python
Here the output of the “ps -ef” command is input for the grep command
Some more Important Grep commands
(1) Sometimes we just want the grep to show out only the file names which matched the given pattern then we use the -l (lower-case L) option. if multiple files are there. This will simply print all the file names. Example of “grep -l”
grep -l ORA-0600 *.trc
(2) Suppose you want to count how many lines matches the given pattern/string, then use the option -c (“grep -c”)
grep -c "TOM" 1.txt
(3) When you are searching error using grep on a huge file, it may be useful to see some lines around the match.
(4) When we want to show the line number of the matched pattern within the file. we can use “grep -n”
grep -n "ORA-0600" alert.log
(5) Grep excludes directory in recursive search. Sometimes we want to exclude one directory from grep recursive search
grep -r --exclude-dir=log "TOM" *
grep is a very useful command for search word, expression in the Unix operating system. Hope you like this post on grep command in Unix with examples
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