We often need to monitor the oracle database session for performance reason, check for locks,get location of datafiles, redo files , get the information about db_links .Here are Top oracle dba scripts for Oracle Database for Administrative and Monitoring purpose
Script to find the sid of the session you are logged in as
select distinct(sid) from v$mystat;
Script to see all active session
select username,osuser,sid,serial#, program,sql_hash_value,module from v$session where username is not null and status ='ACTIVE' and module is not null;
Script to see waiters
set linesize 1000 column waiting_session heading ‘WAITING|SESSION’ column holding_session heading ‘HOLDING|SESSION’ column lock_type format a15 column mode_held format a15 column mode_requested format a15select waiting_session, holding_session, lock_type, mode_held, mode_requested, lock_id1, lock_id2 from dba_waiters /
Script to how active transaction in the database
col RBS format a15 trunc col SID format 9999 col USER format a15 trunc col COMMAND format a60 trunc col status format a8 trunc select r.name "RBS", s.sid, s.serial#, s.username "USER", t.status, t.cr_get, t.phy_io, t.used_ublk, t.noundo, substr(s.program, 1, 78) "COMMAND" from v$session s, v$transaction t, v$rollname r where t.addr = s.taddr and t.xidusn = r.usn order by t.cr_get, t.phy_io /
Script to monitor the long running queries
set linesize 1000 select OPNAME, sid,SOFAR/TOTALWORK*100, to_char(start_time,'dd-mon-yy hh:mi') started, elapsed_seconds/60,time_remaining/60 from v$session_longops where sid =&sid
Script to see all lock objects
set term on; set lines 130; column sid_ser format a12 heading 'session,|serial#'; column username format a12 heading 'os user/|db user'; column process format a9 heading 'os|process'; column spid format a7 heading 'trace|number'; column owner_object format a35 heading 'owner.object'; column locked_mode format a13 heading 'locked|mode'; column status format a8 heading 'status'; select substr(to_char(l.session_id)||','||to_char(s.serial#),1,12) sid_ser, substr(l.os_user_name||'/'||l.oracle_username,1,12) username, l.process, p.spid, substr(o.owner||'.'||o.object_name,1,35) owner_object, decode(l.locked_mode, 1,'No Lock', 2,'Row Share', 3,'Row Exclusive', 4,'Share', 5,'Share Row Excl', 6,'Exclusive',null) locked_mode, substr(s.status,1,8) status from v$locked_object l, all_objects o, v$session s, v$process p where l.object_id = o.object_id and l.session_id = s.sid and s.paddr = p.addr and s.status != 'KILLED' /
Script to see waits events
set linesize 1000 column sid format 999 column username format a15 wrapped column spid format a8 column event format a30 wrapped column osuser format a12 wrapped column machine format a25 wrapped column program format a30 wrapped select sw.sid sid , p.spid spid , s.username username , s.osuser osuser , sw.event event , s.machine machine , s.program program from v$session_wait sw , v$session s , v$process p where s.paddr = p.addr and event not in ('pipe get','client message') and sw.sid = s.sid /
Script to see particular session waits
select sid,seq#,wait_time,event,seconds_in_wait,state from v$session_wait where sid in (&sid);
Script to see all user accessing that objects
column object format a30 column owner format a10 select * from v$access where object='&object_name' /
Script gives information about the user sessions locking a particular object
set linesize 1000 column program format a15 column object format a15 select substr(username||'('|| se0.sid||')',1,5) "User Session", substr(owner,1,5) "Object Owner", substr(object,1,15) "Object", se0.sid, substr(serial#,1,6) "Serial#", substr(program,1,15) "Program", logon_time "Logon Time", process "Unix Process" from v$access ac, v$session se0 where ac.sid = se0.sid and Object = '&PACKAGE' order by logon_time,"Object Owner","Object" /
Script to see the explain plan in Oracle for the statement in the library cache
set linesize 9999 column QUERY format a999 set pages 250 set head off set verify off select id,lpad(' ',2*(depth-1)) || depth ||'.' || nvl(position,0) || ' '|| operation || ' '|| options || ' '|| object_name ||' ' ||'cost= '|| to_char(cost)||' '|| optimizer "QUERY" from v$sql_plan where hash_value = &sql_hash_value order by child_number,id /
Script to find server location
select nvl(username,'ORACLE SHADOW PROCESS'), machine from v$session where username is null and rownum < 2 /
Script to see the top sort segment usage
col sid format 999999 col spid format a6 col tablespace format a10 col username format a25 col noexts format 9999 head EXTS col proginfo format a25 trunc col mbused format 999,999.90 col status format a1 trunc set verify off select * from ( select s.sid, s.status, b.spid, s.sql_hash_value sesshash, u.SQLHASH sorthash, s.username, u.tablespace, sum(u.blocks*p.value/1024/1024) mbused , sum(u.extents) noexts, u.segtype, s.module || ' - ' || s.program proginfo from v$sort_usage u, v$session s, v$parameter p, v$process b where u.session_addr = s.saddr and p.name = 'db_block_size' and b.addr = s.paddr group by s.sid,s.status,b.spid,s.sql_hash_value,u.sqlhash,s.username,u.tablespace, u.segtype, s.module || ' - ' || s.program order by 8 desc,4) where rownum < 11;
Script to check the last analyzed for the tables in sql statement
set lin 1000 set verify off col owner format a15 col object_name format a25 col object_type format a12 col "LAST ANALYZED" format a13 select do.OWNER,do.OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_TYPE, decode (OBJECT_TYPE,'TABLE' , (Select LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables where owner=do.owner and TABLE_NAME=do.object_name) ,'INDEX' , (Select LAST_ANALYZED from dba_indexes where owner=do.owner and INDEX_NAME=do.object_name) ,'UNKNOWN') "LAST ANALYZED",STATUS from DBA_OBJECTS do where OBJECT_TYPE in ('TABLE','INDEX') and (OWNER,OBJECT_NAME) in (select OBJECT_OWNER,OBJECT_NAME from V$SQL_PLAN where HASH_VALUE=&1) /
To check Library Cache locks and pin
select /*+ all_rows */ w1.sid waiting_session, h1.sid holding_session, w.kgllktype lock_or_pin, w.kgllkhdl address, decode(h.kgllkmod, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive', 'Unknown') mode_held, decode(w.kgllkreq, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive', 'Unknown') mode_requested from dba_kgllock w, dba_kgllock h, v$session w1, v$session h1 where (((h.kgllkmod != 0) and (h.kgllkmod != 1) and ((h.kgllkreq = 0) or (h.kgllkreq = 1))) and (((w.kgllkmod = 0) or (w.kgllkmod= 1)) and ((w.kgllkreq != 0) and (w.kgllkreq != 1)))) and w.kgllktype = h.kgllktype and w.kgllkhdl = h.kgllkhdl and w.kgllkuse = w1.saddr and h.kgllkuse = h1.saddr /
To check Control File location
col name format a60 heading "Control Files" select name from sys.v_$controlfile /
To check redo log location
col Grp format 9999 col member format a50 heading "Online REDO Logs" col File# format 9999 col name format a50 heading "Online REDO Logs" break on Grp select group#,member from sys.v_$logfile /
To check datafile location
col Tspace format a25 col status format a3 heading Sta col Id format 9999 col Mbyte format 999999999 col name format a50 heading "Database Data Files" col Reads format 99,999,999 col Writes format 99,999,999 break on report compute sum label 'Total(MB)' of Mbyte on report select F.file_id Id, F.file_name name, F.bytes/(1024*1024) Mbyte, decode(F.status,'AVAILABLE','OK',F.status) status, F.tablespace_name Tspace from sys.dba_data_files F order by tablespace_name;
Checking autoextend on/off for Tablespaces:
select substr(file_name,1,50), AUTOEXTENSIBLE from dba_data_files (OR) SQL> select tablespace_name,AUTOEXTENSIBLE from dba_data_files;
How to check Underscore parameters
How to show DBA links
set linesize 128 pages 1000 col owner format a15 col db_link format a15 col username format a20 col host format a15 col name format a30 Prompt Database Links: select owner, db_link, username, host from dba_db_links order by owner,db_link,username / Prompt Synonym Links: select distinct owner, db_link from dba_synonyms where db_link is not null / Prompt Snapshot Links: select owner, name, replace(master_link,'@','') db_link from dba_snapshots where master_link is not null /
Identifying the segment by DBA_extents using file-id and block
SELECT segment_name, segment_type FROM dba_extents WHERE file_id = < file> AND <block> BETWEEN block_id and block_id + blocks - 1;
Listing jobs running from DBMS_SCHEDULER
SET HEADING ON SET LINESIZE 300 SET PAGESIZE 60COLUMN owner FORMAT A20 SELECT owner, job_name, running_instance, elapsed_time FROM dba_scheduler_running_jobs ORDER BY owner, job_name /
Listing DBMS_SCHEDULER JOB information
SET HEADING ON SET LINESIZE 300 SET PAGESIZE 60 COLUMN owner FORMAT A20 COLUMN next_run_date FORMAT A35 SELECT owner, job_name, enabled, job_class, next_run_date FROM dba_scheduler_jobs ORDER BY owner, job_name /
How to get Historical plan for the SQL_ID from AWR
SET PAGESIZE 60 SET LINESIZE 300 SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display_awr('&SQL_ID')) /
How to do wait analysis of the database
select event, state, count(*) from v$session_wait group by event, state order by 3 desc;
How to find High Buffer gets sql
select * from (SELECT address, hash_value, buffer_gets, executions, buffer_gets/executions "Gets/Exec", sql_text FROM v$sqlarea WHERE buffer_gets > 500000 and executions>0 ORDER BY 3 desc) where rownum <20 ;
This list of oracle dba scripts for oracle database for monitoring purpose is not complete. There are many more scripts for monitoring.I will be presenting them in subsequent posts
Also Reads
Hash Join in Oracle : Check out this post for the detailed description of Hash join in Oracle, How it is different from Nested Loop join in oracle
Oracle Table locks :Oracle Enqueue ,Row level & DDL,table locks, how oracle locks works, Useful queries to find out the waiters and blockers in oracle
v$active_session_history :Check out about Active Session History ,how it is configured,how to find performance bottleneck using ASH, ASH report generation,ASH queries
very nice notes useful or the dbas in any environment.
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