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How to assign User management Responsibility to user in R12

You may need sometimes to assign User management responsibility to the users in EBS R12

Steps to assign the responsibility are

  1. Open Define User form
  2. Look for the user which need to assigned the responsibility by typing user name in username column and pressing F11
  3. Assign the user management responsibility to the user and Press Save

Now User should be  able to see the responsibility in the home page. But When user tries to use the  “User Management” Responsibility either from Self Service Web Page or from Forms application for the following error occurs:

“There are no functions available for this responsibility.”

From Forms Applications:

There are no valid navigations for this responsibility.
Cause: Application Object Library was unable to load the
menu for the current responsibility.
Cause: The menu compilation has failed.
Cause: There is no valid menu defined for this responsibility.
Cause: There are no navigable forms associated with this

Action: Contact your system administrator. Ensure that a
valid menu, containing forms? is defined for the
responsibility. Ensure that the menu is correctly compiled.

The above error is happening as user does not have security administrator role.

Security Administrator role manages all user accounts in the system, and can assign / revoke all roles.

Hence in order to access “User Management” Responsibility, a user needs to have inherited the Security Administrator Role.

Security Administrators also manage system accounts (such as GUEST), that are not tied to a person.

We need to  implement below steps to remove the error message

  1. Log into the applications as SYSADMIN User.
  2. Choose User Management responsibility.
  3. Navigate to Users web page.
  4. Search and find the user you want to inherit the Security Administrator and Customer Administrator Roles.
  5. Click on Update Icon.
  6. Click on Assign Roles button.
  7. Find and choose ‘Security Administrator’ Role.
  8. Apply.
  9. Repeat the Steps (6-8) for ‘Customer Administrator’ Role.
  10. Log as the user who was assigned User Management Responsibility and facing the issue.
  11. Retest the issue.
See also  How to create Users and Roles in Oracle database 12c

Hope this solve the issue . If you still face the issue, please do let me know

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