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What is Essbase 21c

Essbase 21c is the latest version of Oracle essbase. It is the first release after where Oracle is giving the option of installing on the on-prem machine.

New Feature in Essbase 21c

New Improved User Interface

Essbase 21c has improved the user interface from the Essbase 19c Version.

  • Users can iteratively develop their calc scripts and run them from the same interface.
  • Users have the ability now to run a report script while editing, see the results and download or print the report.
  • Customers that use a combination of global and application-level substitution variables. This UI now provides an overall view of all of the variables so that it is easier to manage.
  • Ability to load multiple data files from a single job. Added this to Cube Designer as well.
  • 21c provides Better options for defining partitions: While authoring Area Mapping, provide the user, the ability to select members using outline instead of free form entry

Shadow Application

  • To perform cube modifications and restructures with limited downtime, you can create a shadow application that is a copy of the primary application.
  • The primary application continues to serve read-only operations, such as queries, while you perform modifications on the shadow application.
  • You can make the shadow application visible or hidden

New Improved Outline Editor

Essbase 21c introduces lots of new feature in outline editor. Basically the weakness from 19c edtor are removed

  • Re-order columns
  • Select columns/properties to visualize
  • Verify outline

Shared Services Integration

Essbase 21c Independent deployment can be integrated with EPM shared services for Authentication. Essbase 21c on cloud does not EPM shared services but it can IDCS for Authentication

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Essbase Administration Services Lite

Essbase 21 has introduced a light version of Essbase Administration Services (EAS) for the management of your applications in Independent Mode.This is given in case your company is not ready to adopt the new interface. The features and functionality of EAS are limited to what was available in Release 11g and do not encompass the modern platform features


The Catalog is a central place to store files and artifacts associated with Essbase applications and users. It includes user and shared directories, and an instructive Gallery of sample cubes

Essbase 21c Deployment Options

It is available in two options

Independent deployment.

  • This is the on-prem deployment where you will install Essbase on the Linux or Windows machine and configure it as per your need. This is similar to what you used to do with 11g with modern architecture
  • It supports integration with EPM System Foundation services
  • EAS lite is available just like 11g EAS
  • It supports failover configuration

Essbase 21c deployment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

This is the OCI deployment where Essbase will be configured using OCI Marketplace
This offers ease of deployment, Uogrades and patching

Difference Between Independent Deployment and Stack deployment on OCI

What is Essbase 21c

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