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7 Amazing and Essential Oracle Books To Enrich Your Brain and Library

Here  are the  list of 7 Amazing and Essential Oracle Books To Enrich Your Brain and Library.I believe  everybody working on Oracle should read. These will challenge your thought and make you learn more new things.

1) Effective Oracle by Design (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)

This is one of my Favorites book on Oracle. All the conceptual confusion about the Oracle performance can be removed by reading this.  This is a must have for Oracle Knowledge. you’ll be amazed with the amount of knowledge you gained reading this and how this make you comfortable with Oracle


2)Expert Oracle Database Architecture

This is another good book which goes deep into Oracle Architecture and provide us a good understanding of Oracle.This book covers all the typical Database administration task  and if you are serious interested in making career in Oracle, this is a must have

3)Oracle PL/SQL Programming

If you are plsql developer, this is  a must have. This is considered the best Oracle PL/SQL programming guide by the Oracle community. It provides a detailed overview of Plsql programming and how it can be leverage to create solve complex task . If you are serious about plsql, I will suggest this book for you

4)Pro Oracle Database 11g RAC on Linux

This is great book for Oracle RAC implementation on RAC. It gives us the elaborate instructions for implementation and explained all the concept in a detailed manner.  Oracle RAC is one of most highly used Solution  in the world for high availability . It is a good read


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5)Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference

This book is highly suggested for Oracle tuning which is most tough area in Oracle database.   This book provides a thorough step-by-step approach for holistic Oracle tuning in this challenging information technology era. It represents the knowledge accumulated from tuning thousands of Oracle databases. Oracle tuning has always been a complex task. This is must have for anybody who is participating in Oracle tuning activites

6)Oracle Privacy Security Auditing: Includes HIPAA Regulatory Compliance (Oracle In-Focus) (Volume 47)

Security and auditing is the most important aspect for anybody working in finance/health/Insurance industry.  This is an indispensible book that addresses these issues in Oracle privacy security auditing, a book that uncovers all of the hidden aspects aspects of Oracle security and auditing, and privacy management

7)Oracle Data Guard 11g Handbook (Oracle Press)

Oracle dataguard is extensively being used for Disaster recovery . Disaster recovery is one crucial requirement for most of the organization.   This books gives detailed knowledge about various aspect of Oracle Dataguard and How we can leverage to our need. This is good book

You can purchase these books from Amazon link provided for each book. I hope you like these 7 Amazing and Essential Oracle Books To Enrich Your Brain and Library.

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