Recently I encountered a oracle table which has 50 column and I need to analyze the each column for the particular row. It was tough viewing those 50 columns in the rows, So I created below PLSQL block to convert the rows into column. This takes table name as the input and print one rows in column format
set serveroutput on declare colname varchar2(100); sql_str VARCHAR2(200); col_value varchar(100); --------- !!!! Carefully change this select state ment !!! -------------- cursor cur2 is select COLUMN_NAME from dba_tab_columns where TABLE_NAME='&1'; begin for rec1 in cur2 loop colname :=rec1.COLUMN_NAME; sql_str:='select '|| colname ||' from apps.&&1 where rownum< 2'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_str into col_value; dbms_output.put_line ( colname ||':'||col_value ); end loop; end; /