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How to create the weblogic Domain

In the previous post, we learned about Weblogic installation.

How to perform WebLogic installation

I would be explaining WebLogic domain creation in this post

What is Weblogic domainA domain is an interrelated set of WebLogic Server resources managed as a unit. A domain includes one or more administration servers and managed servers. Various clients use the administration server to configure the system. The managed server is used to run actual applications.


(1) First set all the environment variable

export JAVA_HOME
export MW_HOME
export WL_HOME

(2)   Now we will be creating the WebLogic domain. Initially, it will just host the Admin Server.  We can add Manage server through GUI

cd $WL_HOME/common/bin
How to create the weblogic Domain

Choose the first option “Create a weblogic domain”

Choose the first option “Generate a domain automatically configured to support the following product”


Enter the domain name and Location. We would be creating test_domain at the following location /u00/app/oracle/weblogic/user_projects/domain. This is also the standard location for domain creation and clicks next

How to create the weblogic Domain

Configure the weblogic administrator username and password and click next


Choose Production mode and give the location of the JDK installed and click next


Choose option Administration server only as we are just configuring administration server initially and click next


Give the name of the Admin server, port and click next

weblogic domain

Check the configuration summary and click next

weblogic domain creation

This will show all the processing is done and then present the domain location and Admin URL. Click done to exit this page

How to start the Administration Server

1)  Log in as the oracle user on the  machine tech.com where the weblogic server is installed  and set the below environment variable

export JAVA_HOME
export MW_HOME
export WL_HOME

2) Navigate to the below folder


3) Start the Administration Server:

[[email protected]]$ ./startWebLogic.sh

4) The server will initiate the startup process and ask for the WebLogic Administrator
username and password:
Enter a username to boot the WebLogic server:
Enter the password to boot the WebLogic server:
5) Type weblogic   as the username and the <password> value you previously specified
during domain creation.
6). WebLogic Administration Server will start.

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The Administration Server is now running and waiting for connections in the host and port
that are specified during domain creation at http://tech.com:7005/console.
<Started the WebLogic Server Administration Server
“AdminServer” for domain “test_domain” running in production

How to avoid entering  the weblogic username and password and start it in the background

1. Go to the Administration Server root folder:
$ cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer
2. Create and enter a new directory:
$ mkdir security
$ cd security
3. Create a new file called boot.properties with weblogic as the username and the
<password> value you specified:
$ echo -ne “username=weblogic\npassword=
<password>” > boot.properties

$ cat boot.properties

The next time you start WebLogic Administration Server, it will use the credentials
from the boot.properties file. The file will also be encrypted:
cat boot.properties
4) start the weblogic server in the background

nohup ./startWebLogic.sh &
[1] <7585>
The <7585> value is the process ID of the Administration Server. The standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) of the process will be appended
to a file called $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/nohup.out.

5) Check the boot. properties, the entries will be encrypted

How to access the Administration server Console

1) Open internet explorer and navigate to


It will open the below page

weblogic domain

2) enter the weblogic username and password to login to console

Hope you like this post on weblogic domain creation with screenshots. Please do provide the feedback

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Weblogic: Sun JDK and Oracle Jrocket : Weblogic : Sun JDK and Oracle Jrocket,Difference between Sun jDK and Jrocket
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1 thought on “How to create the weblogic Domain”

  1. You mentioned “A domain includes one or more administration servers and managed servers. “. Is this correct?
    How do you add second admin server to a domain?

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