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Oracle apps autoconfig template file location and customization

Autoconfig is an important utility used to manage configuration in the oracle Apps environment. Oracle has already provided Autoconfig template customization to manage custom variables and customized the app’s environment. Here in this post, we will see Oracle Apps autoconfig template file location, How to customize the template for autoconfig files and many more things. These steps are valid for all EBS version

Oracle Apps autoconfig template file location

All the templates are located in the Product top like


How to customize the template for autoconfig files

  • First of all, we need to decide which file needs to be customized and if it is possible to do it
  • You cannot customize all AutoConfig template files. The AutoConfig template file cannot be customized if the “LOCK” keyword appears in the template file’s entry in the product driver file. AutoConfig ignores custom template files that are marked with “LOCK”.
  • For example, the following entry in /admin/driver/adtmpl.drv would prevent customization of the file adconfig.txt:
ad admin/template adconfig.txt INSTE8 /admin adconfig.txt 600 LOCK

Steps to customize the Autoconfig unlock files

(1) You must be knowing the product top for the file. So Create the custom directory in $PROD_TOP/admin/template

a. mkdir $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom
b. chmod 777 $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

(2) Determine the AutoConfig template file one wants to customize
Execute the following command to find out the corresponding AutoConfig template file for the configuration file one want to customize:

For Application 
$AD_TOP/bin/adtmplreport.sh contextfile=<CONTEXT FILE> target=<Target file>
For Database 
$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/adtmplreport.sh contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> target=<TARGET FILE>
For example
$AD_TOP/bin/adtmplreport.sh contextfile=$INST_TOP/appl/admin/TEST_mnode1.xml

The above command would return “$FND_TOP/admin/template/forms_web_1012_cfg.tmp”, which means the “appsweb.cfg” file was created from the source Autoconfig template $FND_TOP/admin/template/forms_web_1012_cfg.tmp.

See also  How to run Autoconfig in parallel

(3) Copy the “forms_web_1012_cfg.tmp” into the custom directory created earlier  and then edit it to your requirements

a- Copy the template $FND_TOP/admin/template/forms_web_1012_cfg.tmp  to  $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

b-  Amend this template file and then run autoconfig ensuring that all applications middle tier processes are not running prior to running autoconfig

(4) Now When you run the Autoconfig, it will pick the template from the custom directory

For R12.0/R12.1
If new templates comes, the changes would be lost.  If the patch which replaces the file runs the autoconfig, it would not show complaints for a new template. But if you run autoconfig manually and you have a new version of the customized template in admin/template, then it will complain about it and will error out.
For R12.2
adop session will fail during autoconfig if we have a newer version of the template and we have customized the templates

How to list all the Autoconfig templates in EBS

$AD_TOP/bin/adtmplreport.sh contextfile=<CONTEXT FILE> -verbose

How to list the customized Autoconfig Templates

We can list all the customized templates done through the command

$AD_TOP/bin/adtmplreport.sh contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> listcustom

How to Debug the customizations

If problems arise with customizations that you implemented, it may be useful to run AutoConfig with the AutoConfig template files, ignoring any custom template files. Execute the following command:

$AD_TOP/bin/adconfig.sh -nocustom contextfile=<context file>

How to migrate the Autoconfig customizations

Belo scripts can be used to migrate the existing customization to the template. It does migrate only the Begin and end block customization

$AD_TOP/bin/adcustomizer.sh contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE>

This utility does the following things
(a)Detects all configuration files that have “Begin/End customizations” blocks.
(b) Copies the corresponding AutoConfig template files to custom template files.
(c)Appends the contents between “Begin/End customizations” blocks at the end of the custom template files.
(d) Removes the “Begin/End customizations” blocks from the configuration file.
Review the log file generated by the adcustomizer script. Ensure that all your customizations were successfully migrated to the custom template file(s) by examining the generated custom template file(s).

See also  Recover drop/truncate/delete table on primary using flashback on standby database

I hope you like this article on Oracle apps autoconfig template file location and customization

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