We must have got many problems in forms in R12/11i and we are required to generate FRD(Forms runtime diagonsitics) trace for the forms session. Here in this posts,i will tell what all i have learned about it and how to generate FRD Trace

How to generate FRD trace
There are two ways you can generate the FRD trace files
- Direct login to Forms
- Login through OA pages
Direct login to Forms
If the direct forms login is enable,then use following URL for FRD trace generation
http://<host name and port>:/dev60cgi/f60cgi/?&record=collect&log=/tmp/a.frd
For servlet
http://<host name and port>/forms/frmservlet?&record=collect&log=/tmp/a.frd
For socket
http://<host name and port>/OA_HTML/frmservlet?&record=collect&log=/tmp/a.frd
You can following command to enable direct login to forms
java oracle.apps.fnd.security.AdminAppServer apps/apps AUTHENTICATION ON DBC=TEST.dbc
Once the FRD trace is completed
You can again disable the direct login to forms
java oracle.apps.fnd.security.AdminAppServer apps/apps AUTHENTICATION SECURE DBC=TEST.dbc
Login through OA pages
You can generate the FRD traces also if you can login through OA pages only. You will need to set the profile ICX_FORMS_LAUNCHER at the user level in both 11i and R12
Profile value will be like
http://<host name and port>:/dev60cgi/f60cgi/?&record=collect&log=/tmp/a.frd
For servlet
http://<host name and port>/forms/frmservlet?&record=collect&log=/tmp/a.frd
For socket
http://<host name and port>/OA_HTML/frmservlet?&record=collect&log=/tmp/a.frd
If you dont specify the log file name here,the log file can be found under $FORMS_TRACE_PATH for 11i and $FORMS_TRACE_PATH for R12
The profile at the user level overwrite any value at site level.So make sure you write the correct settings else you will not be able to open the forms
Once the FRD trace generation is completed,please get the user level profile removed.
It is always better to remove the profiles as with clones only site level profile will change and you will not be able to login in clone env
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