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How to stop-start WebLogic AdministrationServer

There are two types of WebLogic Server instances in a domain, Administration Server and Managed Server. and we also have node manager in the WebLogic which can span multiple WebLogic domains in the machine it is running. Here in this post, we will focus on How to stop-start WebLogic AdministrationServer

Stop/start Administration Server

How to start it

To start the Administration Server, follow the ensuing steps:
1. Log in as the Weblogic machine and navigate to the folder:
2. Start the Administration Server:
3. The server will initiate the startup process and ask for the WebLogic Administrator
username and password:
Enter a username to boot the WebLogic server: weblogic
Enter the password to boot the WebLogic server:
4. Type WebLogic as the username and the <password> value you previously specified
during domain creation.
5. WebLogic Administration Server will start

We can specify a boot.properties file so the Administration Server doesn’t ask for the username and password at startup.
1. Go to the Administration Server root folder:
cd $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/<admin server name>
2. Create and enter a new directory:
mkdir security
cd security
3. Create a new file called boot.properties with wlsadmin as the username and the
<password> value you specified:
echo -ne “username=weblogic\npassword=
<password>” > boot.properties
cat boot.properties
4. The next time you start WebLogic Administration Server, it will use the credentials
from the boot.properties file. The file will also be encrypted:
cat boot.properties

Log in to the console using the URL

http://<server name>:9999/console

How to stop it

To stop the Administration Server, follow the ensuing steps:
1. Log in as the Weblogic machine and navigate to the folder:
2. Start the Administration Server:
3. The server will initiate the startup process and ask for the WebLogic Administrator
username and password:
Enter a username to boot the WebLogic server: weblogic
Enter the password to boot the WebLogic server:
4. Type WebLogic as the username and the <password> value you previously specified
during domain creation.
5. WebLogic Administration Server will stop

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Stop/start Managed Server

  • Generally Managed servers are started and shutdown using the administrator console
  • When a start/stop operation is invoked for Managed Server, the Administration Console issues this command to the Node Manager. The Node Manager receives the startup parameters and credentials from the Administration Console and starts the Managed Server.
  • The Managed Server then contacts the Administration Server and checks for configuration changes and if necessary, updates it. If the Administration Server is not reachable, the Managed Server uses the local copy of the configuration from the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/*
  • directory.
  • We can start Managed Server without Administration Server with an exception for the first time. If you are starting Managed Server for the first time then Administration Server should be Up. Managed Server can cache config files locally(in its local config directory) and later Managed Server can start on its own.

Details can be found on the below link

How to start/stop Node manager and Managed server in Weblogic

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