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How to submit workflow background process from the backend

Workflow is an important part of Oracle Ebiz Applications In this post, we will check out what is Workflow Background Engine, How to run it from Unix, How to run it using SQLPLUS, how to submit workflow background process from the backend

What is Workflow Background Engine

  • The Background Engine is a PLSQL Procedure that checks for and executes any deferred or timed-out activities in the workflow system. The arguments of the procedure at the time invoking the procedure determine what will be executed by the process.
  • If new activities are deferred or timed out after the current Background Engine is started, the procedure will check again for any new activities to execute before terminating. When all matching activities have been completed, the procedure comes to an end.
  • It can be run as a Concurrent program or as a package command on the SQLPLUS command.
  • Let’s check How to run it using SQLPLUS, and how to submit the workflow background process from the backend in coming headings

How to run Workflow Background Process from Unix

There is one SQL script placed in $APPL_TOP which can be used to run it from Unix


The script will be like

cat workflow_background.sh
sqlplus apps/<apps pass> << EOF

How to run Workflow Background Process from SQL*Plus

We can connect to the “apps” user and fire the below command

wf_engine.background (itemtype=>NULL ,
process_deferred=>TRUE ,
minthreshold=>NULL ,
maxthreshold=>NULL ,
process_timeout=>FALSE ,
exec wf_engine.background;

How to submit workflow background process from backend

Here is the script that can be used for this purpose for scheduling the workflow concurrent Program on 17 Feb 8:20


l_user_name VARCHAR2(240) := 'SYSADMIN';
l_resp_name VARCHAR2(240) := 'System Administrator';

l_user_id       NUMBER;
l_resp_id       NUMBER;
l_resp_appl_id  NUMBER;

l_request_id NUMBER;
-- Apps Initialization
   SELECT    user_id
    INTO l_user_id
   FROM fnd_user
   WHERE user_name =l_user_name;

    FROM fnd_responsibility_tl tl, fnd_responsibility b
    WHERE tl.responsibility_name = 'System Administrator'
      AND LANGUAGE=UserEnv('LANG')

    ( user_id => l_user_id
     ,resp_id => l_resp_id
     ,resp_appl_id => l_resp_appl_id
l_request_id := FND_request.submit_request(application => 'FND',
                           program     => 'FNDWFBG',   
                           description =>  NULL,
                        start_time  => '2022/02/17 8:20:00',
                        sub_request =>  FALSE,
                           argument1  =>  null, 
                           argument2  =>   null, 
                           argument3  =>  NULL, 
                           argument4  =>   'Y' , 
                           argument5  =>   'N', 
                           argument6  =>   NULL

                           IF l_request_id> 0 THEN
                           END IF;


How to schedule periodic workflow background process concurrent program from backend

Here is the script which can be used for this purpose for scheduling periodic Workflow background process concurrent Program at 16:40 starting at 20 Feb with daily frequency

v_request_id NUMBER;
v_status BOOLEAN;

--Initialize the session with appropriate values
fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id=>0
--Set the Repeat Options
v_status := fnd_request.set_repeat_options ( repeat_interval => 1
, repeat_unit => 'DAYS'
, repeat_type => 'START');
--Submit the Request
v_request_id := FND_request.submit_request(application => 'FND', 
program => 'FNDWFBG',
description => NULL,
start_time => '2022/02/20 16:40:00',
sub_request => FALSE,
argument1 => 'UMX Login Help', 
argument2 => null, 
argument3 => NULL, 
argument4 => 'N' , 
argument5 => 'N', 
argument6 => 'Y' 
IF v_request_id = 0 THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Request not submitted: '|| fnd_message.get);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Request submitted successfully. Request id: ' || v_request_id);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Exception: ' || SQLERRM);

I hope this will help on what is Workflow Background Engine, How to run Workflow Background Process from Unix, How to run Workflow Background Process using SQLPLUS, and how to submit workflow background process from the backend

See also  how to find the semaphore for the Database instance

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