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How to Update the Variables in Context file in EBS

Many times, we need to Update the Variables in Context file in EBS. It could be one variable or a lot of variables. There are many ways to do it

Manual Method

Here you open the file in the vi or nano editor and go to the variable location and change the value

Changes Through OAM

We log in to OAM and change the variable

  • OAM displays all the context variables by parsing the context file stored in the fnd_oam_context_files table (Autoconfig at each run uploads the context file in this table).
  • When we try to update the context file, OAM first update’s the status flag from ‘S’ to ‘H'(History) for our context file record, it then inserts another row for the same context file with status ‘S’. (OAM inserts another row instead of updating the existing row to maintain change history for each context file)
  • It then requests the specific node’s FNDFS listener for updating the file on the file system (autoconfig uses the file on the file system). So we have to make sure that the FNDFS listeners are running on all the nodes before using OAM to update the context file.

Script Method

we can change the variable using the below command

java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${AD_TOP}/java/adconfig.zip" oracle.apps.ad.context.UpdateContext $CONTEXT_FILE <variable name> <variable value>


java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${AD_TOP}/java/adconfig.zip" oracle.apps.ad.context.UpdateContext $CONTEXT_FILE s_oacore_nprocs 6

This is a very fast and convenient method to change the context file if you have a lot of changes to be done

Here is a small script that can be used to update multiple variables with status check also

java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${AD_TOP}/java/adconfig.zip" oracle.apps.ad.context.UpdateContext $CONTEXT_FILE s_ohstimeout 54600

 if [ "$exit_code" != "0" ]; then
   echo"  Unable to update XML context file for s_ohstimeout\n\n";
   exit 1;

echo"Updated s_ohstimeout\n"
java -classpath "${CLASSPATH}:${AD_TOP}/java/adconfig.zip" oracle.apps.ad.context.UpdateContext $CONTEXT_FILE s_apjserv_vmtimeout 1600

 if [ "$exit_code" != "0" ]; then
   echo"  Unable to update XML context file for s_apjserv_vmtimeout\n\n";
   exit 1;

echo"Updated s_apjserv_vmtimeout\n"

I hope you like this article

See also  ORA-00979: not a group by expression

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