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Kill session in Oracle

Alter system kill session command

alter system kill session is a very important command for Oracle DBA. We can kill oracle session in the oracle database with the help of it. So this is useful for people looking for the answer of the question How do you kill a session in Oracle?


alter system kill session 'sid, serial#';

Here sid, serial# can be obtained from v$session view.

select sid, serial# from v$session where username='SCOTT';
alter system kill session in oracle database

For Oracle RAC database
You can either login to same instance where session is running and then run the above alter system kill session command or you can use the below command also


Where instance_id is the instance where that session is running.
This command comes handy when you want to kill multiple session from multiple instance

We generally used this command when we want to clear session which is inactive and holding locks, long running session

If the command is not able to kill the session as it has to undo lot of transaction, it will return as Marked for Killed. Once the undo is over, it will be killed itself. If the session is not doing undo but it is stuck somewhere, you can kill the server process in the background to clear the session.

As such we can kill the background session in case of Undo also, it will still take time to clear the undo but in fast manner. Generally it is not recommended to kill session from background which has lot of undo to performed


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00031: session marked for kill

SQL> select username, status from v$session where SID=12;

——————– ——–

I have a another post which in talk in detail about transaction rollback. you can check for undo case

See also  Top and most common OPATCH issues in Windows server

How to monitor transaction Rollback Progress

Now how to kill the server process associated with the session

–non RAC databases

SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid
FROM v$session s, v$process p
WHERE s.paddr = p.addr
AND username = 'SCOTT';

–RAC databases

SELECT s.inst_id, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid
FROM gv$session s, gv$process p
WHERE s.paddr = p.addr
AND s.inst_id = p.inst_id
AND username = 'SCOTT';

Once you receive the SPID , you can login to the database server and kill the spid

ps -ef |grep <SPID>

Confirm this is Oracle database shadow process. and then kill it

kill -9 <SPID>

For Window, command will be

orakill SID SPID

We can also use kill session command like


The only difference it makes is that it return the control immediately. Otherwise in case for Marked for kill session ,it will wait for 5 min.

Terminating an Inactive Session

If the session is not making a SQL call to Oracle Database (is INACTIVE) when it is terminated, the ORA-00028 message is not returned immediately. The message is not returned until the user subsequently attempts to use the terminated session.

When an inactive session has been terminated, the STATUS of the session in the V$SESSION view is KILLED. The row for the terminated session is removed from V$SESSION after the user attempts to use the session again and receives the ORA-00028 message.

ORA-00028: your session has been killed

alter system disconnect session

There is another command which can be used to kill Oracle session

alter system disconnect session 'SID,SERIAL#' POST_TRANSACTION|IMMEDIATE;

Unlike kill session command, this command kills the dedicated server process (or virtual circuit when using Shared Sever), which is equivalent to killing the server process from the operating system. We can use POST_TRANSACTION in case, we need to wait for the transaction to commit or rollback. We will use immediate,if we want to immediately kill the session.

See also  How to download Patch from Oracle using Wget

Some Useful Queries for kill oracle session

Query to generate kill session command for all session with the given schema Name

select 'alter system kill session ' ||''''|| sid||','|| serial#||''''||';' from v$session where SCHEMANAME='SCOTT'

Query to generate kill oracle session command for all session with the given module and status being inactive

col event format a30
col module format a15
col program format a30
set lines 100
select 'alter system kill session ' ||''''|| sid||','|| serial#||''''||';'
from v$session_wait sw, v$session s
where sw.sid = s.sid
and sw.sid in (select sid from v$session where module like '%&module%')
and s.status='INACTIVE';

Query to generate kill session command for all session which are connecting with sqlplus

select 'alter system kill session ' ||''''|| s.sid||','|| s.serial#||''''||';'
from v$session s where program like '%sqlplus@%'

how to check killed session in oracle

select sid, serial#, status, username , module, form
from v$session s where status like '%KILLED%'

how to remove killed session in oracle

We can remove the killed session by killing the server process associated. But Generally it is not recommended to killed session which has lot of undo to performed. You may want to use this if the killed session is still holding the locks as it got stuck somewhere

–non RAC databases

SELECT 'kill -9 '|| p.spid
FROM v$session s, v$process p
WHERE s.paddr = p.addr
AND s.status = 'KILLED';

–RAC databases

SELECT 'kill -9 '|| p.spid
FROM gv$session s, gv$process p
WHERE s.paddr = p.addr
AND s.inst_id = p.inst_id
AND s.status = 'KILLED';

how to check inactive session in oracle

select sid, serial#, status, username , module, form
from v$session s where status like '%INACTIVE%'

how to kill inactive session in oracle

select 'alter system kill session ' ||''''|| s.sid||','|| s.serial#||''''||';'
from v$session s where status like '%INACTIVE%'

If you getting insufficient privileges to kill session in oracle error, you may want to look at below post

See also  How to gather Statistics with DBMS_STATS Procedures

oracle kill own session privilege

I hope you like the content on alter system kill session. Please do let me know how you use this command in your environment

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