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how to change user password in oracle apps from backend

how to change user password in oracle apps from backend

Sometimes we want to change passwords through the backend in EBS. Here is how to change user password in oracle apps from backend.

Login to the apps Schema and then execute this PLSQL block.

set serveroutput on 
change_pass BOOLEAN;
user varchar2(40);
pass varchar2(40);
user := '<user name>';
pass := '<password>';
change_pass := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(user,pass);
IF change_pass then
dbms_output.put_line('Password was changed');
dbms_output.put_line('Password change failed');

Let’s take an example

sqlplus apps/<pass>
set serveroutput on

change_pass BOOLEAN;
user varchar2(40);
pass varchar2(40);
user := 'ANONYMOUS';
pass := 'password123';
change_pass := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(user,pass);
IF change_pass then
dbms_output.put_line('Password was changed');
dbms_output.put_line('Password change failed');

It will throw up the message according to execution. If successful “Password was changed” and not successful “Password change failed”.

If you want to know the error also, you can execute this PLSQL block to change the password

Set serveroutput on
change_pass BOOLEAN;
user varchar2(40);
pass varchar2(40);
l_result varchar2(30000);
user := 'ANONYMOUS';
pass := 'password123';
change_pass := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(user,pass);
IF change_pass then
dbms_output.put_line('Password was changed');
l_result := fnd_message.get();
dbms_output.put_line('Password change failed');
dbms_output.put_line( 'Error stack = ' || l_result );

Password change may fail because of the password requirement defined in the system. You can use the below sql to get the password complexity requirement set in EBS

select fnd_profile.value('SIGNON_PASSWORD_LENGTH'),
fnd_profile.value('SIGNON_PASSWORD_NO_REUSE'), from dual

We can validate the password using the below sql

select fnd_user_pkg.VALIDATELOGIN('USER','PASSWORD') from dual;

We can also use fnd_web_sec to change the password

set serveroutput on
l_result varchar2(30000);
userid number;
l_result := apps.fnd_web_sec.change_password('','');
dbms_output.put_line( 'Result = ' || l_result );
if l_result = 'N'
l_result := fnd_message.get();
dbms_output.put_line( 'Error stack = ' || l_result );
end if;

We can validate the password using the below sql

Select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('USER','PASS')
From dual;

I hope you find this article on how to change user password in oracle apps from backend useful. Please do provide the feedback

See also  How to find the FND_FILE output of the running concurrent request

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