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How to generate tkprof in EBS in 19c

EBS R12 is supported in Multitenant mode for Oracle Database 19c. If you try to generate a tkprof to report explain plan generation on the Database, you will receive errors for the Invalid username /password in the trace file generated

tkprof test.trc test.txt sys=no explain=apps/apps sort=prsela,exeela,fchela

The reason for this is that the apps is the user in the PDB only. It is not a user in the CDB

If you try to set ORACLE_PDB_SID to remove this error, it will still give the same issues.

tkprof test.trc test.txt sys=no explain=apps/apps sort=prsela,exeela,fchela

The reason for that is ORACLE_PDB_SID supports login for sysdba only.

The correct way to do that would be to source the PDB environment or set the TNS_ADMIN to the PDB tnsnames

. ./EBS_TECH.env
tkprof test.trc test.txt sys=no explain=apps/apps@EBS sort=prsela,exeela,fchela

or you can just set the TNS_ADMIN to that directory which has the PDB name in tnsnames.ora

export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/pdb_techgo
tkprof test.trc test.txt sys=no explain=apps/apps@EBS sort=prsela,exeela,fchela

or you can use the Easy Connect Syntax

tkprof test.trc test.txt sys=no explain=apps/apps@<hostname>:1521/EBS  sort=prsela,exeela,fchela

I hope you find this useful. Please do provide feedback on this article on How to generate tkprof in EBS in 19c

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